Battle Statistics
Victories: 9
Defeats: 15
Ties: 1
10-10-03: Won
1000 point. my Neo Soviets againt Undeadjon's Shard. Note, this was the undead Jon's first ever VOR game.
10-11-02: Won
1200 point. my Neo Soviets againt Mocaiv's Zykhee. See full Battle Report here.
23-03-02: Tie
Ebon Keshik and I took control over all my Neo Soviets who then attacked Mocaiv's Union at a missile base. When a Neo unit died it came back at our table edge. wave after wave after wave.
Basically we had to get to the base with this brief: "All losses are acceptable!".
Did we win or loose? Hard to say, but it was fun.
08-10-01: Defeat
We ended Golden Growler UK 01 with a large scale battle between Andrew's Zykhee and Mocaiv's Zykhee against GavBot's Neo Soviets and my Neo Soviets.
07-10-01: Defeat
GGUK2001 battle 1: 750 point Neo soviet against 750 Union played by Dwight. Mission take and hold building in a city terrain. I was totally anihalated while Dwight had 300 points left. The most tactical interesting game of VOR I have ever played.
Golden moment: Rad Trooper kills Ares.
07-10-01: Won
GGUK2001 battle 2: 750 point Neo soviet against 750 Zykhee played by Andrew. Mission find water, I found the only water. I totally anihalated him, while I had 300 points left.
Golden Moment: Waited for three turns for the last Zyhkee to be throw out of the cyclone (Come out you bastard, I can see you are in there). He was thrown out and landed 5" from the Vanguard carrying the Wolverine! He did not kill him but the rest of the Vangaurds did!
07-10-01: Won
GGUK2001 battle 3: 750 point Neo soviet against 750 Neo soviet played by Gavbot on my Neo Soviet underground board, wa-haaay! Gavbot only managed to killed 200 points of my army, but was close to achieving the objective which was taking some chem goo from the middle and back to own table edge.
Golden Moment: Well, I guess the last couple of turns (after Gavbot decided to get the goo and make a run for it) was one big Golden Moment with several of his troop in turn carrying the goo, getting shot or puking.
07-10-01: Defeat
GGUK2001 battle 4: 750 point Neo soviet against 750 Shard play by Cpl. Hicks. Again back at the city table and the take and hold mission. I was totally anihalated again, I don't remember how much I killed of the Shards, but it wasn't much.
Golden Moment: I don't think there was any one incident I remember, but Hicks just outmaneouvered me again (see below) simply being more flexible with his small units of very though shards.
07-10-01: Defeat
pre-GGUK2001 battle at South London Warlords: 750 point Neo soviet against 750 Shard play by Cpl. Hicks. Lost but it was very fun to play against Shards for the first time.
17-09-01: Defeat
500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Space Marines (Custom Force) played by Terry, a gamer from South London Warlords.
16-06-01: Won
1000 point Neo Soviet against 1000 point Koralons (Custom Force) played by Mocaiv.
16-06-01: Defeat
1000 point Neo Soviet against 1000 point Union (Mocaiv). First turn we start. Second turn we are both down to 12 minis. Third turn my army is annihilated!
24-02-01: Defeat
750 point Neo Soviet against 750 point Growler (Bootcamp)
24/02-01: Defeat
1000 point Neo Soviet against "standard" custom force (Stevieboy)
??/12-01: Defeat
500 points Neo Soviet against 500 point Smoogs.
??/12-01: Victory
500 points Neo Soviet against 500 point Cameleons: ,but Cameleons were too weak.
??/12-01: Defeat
500 points Neo Soviet against 500 point Bonelords (Father Time), but Bonelords were broken.
06/12-00: Defeat
500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Growler (Bootcamp).
06/12-00: Defeat
Dragonmeet2000. 500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Imperial Sovereigns (Stevieboy).
500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Growler (Bootcamp) against 500 point Imperial Sovereigns (Mocaiv): Won against the growlers but lost against the Imperial Sovereign. Overall winner was Imperial Sovereign.
09/11-00: Defeat
Showing VOR at games club. 500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Space Marine. Space Marine list was broken.
09/11-00: Victory
500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Union (Mocaiv).
14/10-00: Victory
500 point Neo Soviet against 500 point Growler (Bootcamp).