Campaign July 2004

I have made a diary following my army's wins and defeats during this campaign which you can read here.

Campaign Rules


  • 5 points: Nemo Winner (Angrychef)
  • 3 points: Goreshade (Scrollmaster)
  • 2 points: Stryker (Steve)
  • 1 point: The Butcher (Darkseer)
  • 0 points: Grand Scrutator Severius (Bigrob)
  • 0 points: Vlad (DrDuran)

Game Schedule

Date Player 1 Player 2 Results
6/7 Butcher Severious 1-0 (0-0)
Vlad Nemo 0-1 (0-12)
Stryker Goreshade 0-1 (9-9)
13/7 Butcher Goreshade 0-1 (0-6)
Vlad Stryker 0-1 (4-8)
Nemo Severious 1-0 (15-5)
20/7 Butcher Nemo 0-1 (0-0)
Vlad Goreshade 0-1 (1-8)
Stryker Severious 1-0 (11-4)
27/7 Butcher Stryker (Game photos: 1 2 3)
Vlad Severious (Game photos: 1 2)
Goreshade Nemo 1-0 (Flash battle report)


Each players starts with a 500 point army. All released models are allowed.

Mercenaries are not allowed from the start but can be bought later.

You cannot switch Warcaster after the Campaign have started.


Victory conditions

All battles are between 2 opponents.

All games are for 500 points. If you cannot field 500 points, field what you got.

All games are until one warcaster is dead or one opponent conceded. If you have lost 50% of your troops you are allowed to concede the game.

You earn (VP+D6) *15 GC whether you won or lost.

Campaign score

  • 1 Campaign point for win
  • 0 Campaign points for loss
  • 0 Campaign points for not showing and roll for each unit (Scrap Thralls counts as one unit). On 4+ half the unit is lost. Roll D6 for each warjack. On 4+ half of all damage boxes are lost. Your opponent does the same rolls 5+ instead of 4+. Your opponent gets 1 campaign point as if he won.


Damaged Warjacks cost the same (hey, it's not my fault you let it get damaged).

After each game all Warjacks are fixed back to having at least ½ their boxes left, i.e. half their left arm boxes, half their hull etc.

Troops and solos

Only damage on Warjacks carry over from game to game. Troops alive at the end of the game are fully healed. This does not include troops who fled the scene. They are considered dead and gone.

If you have lost the leader of a unit but still have troops left, one of the troops is automatically upgraded to the leader. That goes for all units with a leader type figure.

Scrap Thralls killed using Steam Burst returns for next battle.

On the way to the city

Before each game both roll a D6 and see what resources are available.

1: Freelance Journeyman.

A Freelance Journeyman Warcaster offers to join you in your next battle.

If you are the underdog in next battle (based on points and if equal based on DAM caused to Warjacks) You can add a Journeyman Warcaster and one Heavy and/or one Light Warjack of your choice to your army.

If you are equal to your opponent or better of you can add a Journeyman Warcaster and one Light Warjack of your choice to your army.

This addition may not take your army above the 500 point normally played, but you can of course choose to leave some of your own Warjacks at home.

You do not get VP for enemy killed by the Journeyman and his Jack(s)

2: Goldmine

You help a bunch of Gold Diggers and get your share of the find.

Deal 2D6 Damage to a Random Warjack (apply only to Hull, Head and Fists) Gain 2D6x5 GC

3: Ambush

The Black Brigands, a huge band of bandits, attack you.

Roll a D6 for each Warjack. On a roll of 5 or 6 the Warjack takes 2D6 damage. Roll a D6 for each unit (not solos) on a roll of 5 or 6 you loose one of the troops in that unit.

Note that Scrap Thralls are considered a unit for this purpose only. Treat your Thralls as one unit.

4: Retired Warcaster

You find a hut in a forest with an old, retired Warcaster. He agrees to help you.

The Magician can fix both Arch node and Cortex Damage. Roll 2D6 and choose the highest. On a double add the result. Multiply the result by 3 and the result is the number of damaged boxes you can repair on one or more Warjacks, which you choose after the roll has been made.

5: Trainee Warjack Workshop

Here you can buy new Warjacks. You can also get repairs for everything but Cortex and Archnode. Roll 2D6 and choose the highest. On a double add the result. Multiply the result by 3 and the result is the number of damaged boxes you can repair on one or more Warjacks, which you choose after the roll has been made.

6: Old Grumpy Wizard

Leave me alone or I'll turn you into a Toad!

After a few nice words (and beers) the Wizard agrees to help you.

In the next battle your warcaster have an extra spell to use (he forgets it after the battle). Roll a D8 and consult the chart below. Note if you roll a spell you already have, roll again.

  • Arcane Blast. (See Caine)
  • Chain Lightning (See Haley)
  • Death Sentence (see Severius)
  • Retribution (see Kreoss)
  • Iron Blight (see Asphyxious)
  • Backlash (see Skarre)
  • Freezing Grip (see Sorscha)
  • Brittle Frost (see Vladimir)

The City

Cities has a lot to offer for the needing warbands.


Roll a D6 to see if a particular workshop is available in this city. Repairs cost 50GC. Roll 2D6 and choose the highest. On a double add the result. Multiply the result by 5 and the result (repair result) is the number of damaged boxes you can repair. You choose where to allocate the repair result after the roll has been made.

  • 3+ Focus Technician. Can repair Arch node. You can distribute the repair result on one or more Warjacks.
  • 3+ Cortex Magician. Can repair Cortex. You can distribute the repair result on one or more Warjacks.
  • 2+ Black Smith. Can repair everything else. The repair result applies to one Warjack only.
  • 2+ Warjack Workshop. Can sell you new Warjacks.


City also allows you to buy new troops. Pay their point cost in GC.


Roll a D6. On a 3+ the Mercenary you are looking for happens to be in the same city as you and is available for hire.


Pay 50GC to add or subtract 1 for the next resources roll you make.