Khorne Warband (2nd Edition) Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Khorne World Eaters and World Eaters Assault Marines (Games Workshop)

As I’ve gotten back into Warhammer 40.000, 2nd edition, I am painting up 1000 points armies of old retro miniatures.

These Khorne World Eaters are from the Rogue Trader era, but they are so cool they will easily fit into my 1,000 point wh40k Chaos Marines warband.

I painted these using a new technique: Sprayed them golden and then the plan was to give them an overlay of red contrast paint to get a similar feeling to my old Chaos Dwarf Warband where I highted red armour with gold.

I did a test and it didn’t turn out great but then a friend of mine recommend using inks from Schmincke and the result is fantastic.

I don’t know how well the red-ish/gold-sh metallic armour comes through in the photos but they are fantastic.

World Eaters with Bolt Guns

World Eaters with Axes

World Eaters with Bolter and Chainswords

World Eaters Assault Marines

Always those these were weird but I guess they gave the idea to Khârn the Betrayer’s bare arm.

World Eaters lead by an Aspiring Chaos Champion

World Eaters lead by Khârn the Betrayer

Full World Eaters Warband