I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.

I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.
I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back including the original of miniature of Asphyxious the Iron Lich. But reading up on Liches on D&D, I realised they can cast “Mirror Image” creating 3 mirror images of themselves. Now, I normally try to be economic with both terrain and miniatures, but sometimes the […]
I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back and following the same technique, I speedpainted this bunch of Helljacks.
I saw a video about the Slapchop painting technique on Youtube and it made me think about back when I played IK Warmachine in the early 2000s and how this technique would have allowed me to paint my Cryx much faster. I do think the Cryx I painted back then are better, but to put […]
As our current campaign is focussed around a growing pack of unusually well organised trolls, it has given me a chance to paint awesome Trollkin minis from Privateer Press. This group here reflects a gang of Trolls who have managed to armour themselves.
One of the things I like about Privateer Press’ miniatures is how much the Trollkin miniatures reminds me of the Growlers from the long dead Vor The Maelstrom game. But at the same time they have their own identity and character. For our current Dungeons & Dragons campaign called “The Troll Hunt” I need trolls, […]
in our campaign Daisygate, we have the local cityguard called “The Daisy Guard“, who the party has run into several times. They are trained, but polite city guards maintaining the order of the town. They serve the town. However, I also needed a unit of Royal Guardians who are tasked with protecting the royals. These […]
I won’t lie: I’ve been wanting to paint these crazy little dudes since I saw them the first time. But since I no longer play Warmachine, I didn’t have a reason to buy them. However, having picked up Dungeons & Dragons, they seemed like a perfect type of crazy fit into the Feywild which is […]
Given I made a Dungeons & Dragons adventure that was crocodile themed for our current campaign, I decided that Lizardmen in my world, Heden Rei, would be Gatormen instead. Some minor tweaks to stats but otherwise identical. These Gatormen minis was speed painted as I needed them done fast in time for the adventure.
I think Privateer Press makes some fantastic miniatures, and some of them, like this Swamp Horror, is great inspiration for a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. My players haven’t faced this one yet in our current campaign… but they will! Base is using “Scenic Water” from Woodland Scenics and “Valhallan Blizzard” from Games Workshop.
I use the Gatormen miniatures from Hordes as Lizardmen in our current Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Mostly I use the stats like for like, but for Jaga-Jaga, I made her a beefed up Lizardman Shaman with a bonus attack taken from a snake making her quite leathal in close combat. She proved a serious challenge for […]
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