As described on the Cynwäll Pulsar page I decided to quickly boost my previously unsuccessful Elves with a Pulsar and an Equanimous Warrior that I started painting well over a year ago.
Cynwäll Equanimous Warrior

As described on the Cynwäll Pulsar page I decided to quickly boost my previously unsuccessful Elves with a Pulsar and an Equanimous Warrior that I started painting well over a year ago.
As some of you may remember I got thoroughly thrashed by my brother and his fiancee during the summer’s Confrontation battles. Probably due to my inability to make proper use of my Elves rather than anything else. I was determined to get my Orcs of the Behemoth painted for Christmas, but new job and a […]
I met up with my brother and his fiance and we have a chance to play two 400points 3-player Confrontation battles. For me it was the first time in years and since we only decided to play last minute, I didn’t get a chance to finish my Orcs of the Behemoth so i had to settle […]
As described on the Cynwall page, the main point of my Elven army was a quick-paint-to-play army to have something to play with while painting the Orcs of the Behemoth army containing miniatures that take considerably longer to paint. Nevertheless I am not entirely happy with how these Echahïm turned out and I think it is […]
One of the reasons why I have two Confrontation armies is that I wasn’t sure whether I would ever get time to paint all the Orcs of the Behemoth because they take a long time to paint due to the huge amount of little details on every single miniature. The Mystic of the Behemoth is […]
Having finally managed to complete Grakkha, painting Kamahru’s Incarnate was significantly easier. But it did take longer than I anticipated as I expected it to be a quick drybrush job and I guess to a certain extend it was. I painted it dark brown and drybrushed it with a lighter leather brown. So far so […]
Kamahru’s Champion and Kamahru’s Incarnate I started painting Grakkha as my first Confrontation miniature. However, his skin is very difficult with all the bumps and lumps so I put him on the backburner and decided to paint the simpler Kolghor instead. That was almost a year ago and the unfinished Grakkha has been staring me […]
I started painting Grakkha as my first Confrontation miniature. However, his skin is very difficult with all the bumps and lumps so I put him on the backburner and decided to paint Kolghor instead. This is the first time in many years I have spent so long on a miniature and I am really happy […]
My wife kindly let me use her hobby photo studio. The Asadars are the first elves to be completed following my quick-to-paint plan and it was fast and I am happy with the result. The only thing was I found them too monochrome so I re-painted the swords from being light blueish grey as the […]
Yes, I know I planned my Cynwäll as a fast paint-for-play army, but Soïm is one fantastic miniature so I did spend somewhat longer on him. He follows the basics I am using for my whole army, but he differs from the other troops as he is wearing next to no armour (or clothes) so […]
Colourscheme I don’t like playing with an unpainted army so while painting my Orcs of the Behemoth (where each miniature takes quite a while to paint) I have started an army choose to be quick to paint. For this paint-to-play army I have chosen Cynwäll Elves; Only need few models, they are cool and I […]
Confrontation by Rackham has existed as game for quite a while at the time writing this (sept, 2008) but I never got into the game as other games got in the way (first VOR, then Dark Age, then Warmachine). This is actually quite strange as I have always really really love the Rackham miniatures esspecially […]