Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Mossfang Sally (by my wife)

I got this amazing crocheted dragon made by my wife, who also happen to be one of the D&D players at my table. She’s called Mossfang Sally. Such a cute gift.

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Topaz Wyrmling (MCDM)

Not really a big fan of this miniature to be honest, but I needed a little Dragon for a game so I speedpainted it and it will do the job. At least I can remove it from my Gallery of Shame.  

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – The Red Dragon of Krynn (Dragonlance Miniatures from Ral Partha)

I rarely paint anything I don’t need to user for the next game of D&D, but sometimes you get a rare chance to paint something truly amazing. I knew Ral Partha did some Dragonlance miniatures back when it was a setting for D&D (hoping it will be for 5e as well in the future), but […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons Vintage miniatures (pre 90s)

Dungeons & Dragons – Blue Dragon (Citadel by Tom Meier 1984)

Back in the late 80s when I started roleplaying games, there wasn’t many stores selling books let alone miniatures. So I was super thrilled when I found this dragon mini in a bookstore. It was essentially the first monster beyond orcs we had to play with. The original one I bought, I destroyed once I […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Ancient Green Dragon Angrislaug, Draiggoch of Eryri (Mierce Miniatures)

I’ve been wanting to paint this fantastic dragon from Mierce Miniatures, but first of all, I really don’t need more dragons especially not an Ancient Dragon, which I think this fits… and second of all it is a bit pricey, but I found it on half price during Black Friday sale, so I couldn’t resist. […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Young Emerald Dragon (“Strongholds & Followers” Matt Colville)

I picked up D&D in Jan, 2018 (last year at the time of writing this) after a 20 year break and one of the first (if not the first) youtube channel I found with advice was “Running the Game” by Matt Colville – A really great, to the point channel of advice for DMing. Matt often […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Narthrax The Dragon (Reaper Bones)

The first time I saw this dragon I really liked it and it didn’t take long for me to buy it. I bought it as a Reaper Bones as I think the details are good enough on bigger creatures. Fast paint job, lots of drybrushing… in fact I probably spent more time making and painting […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Pathfinder Red Dragon (Reaper Miniatures Bones)

I was curious to see how the Reaper Bones dragon would stack up to the Wizkids Dragon. I think the Wizkids one has sharper details, but overall I can certainly live with the quality of the Reaper Bones dragon. For that price both gets my thumbs up!   Dragons painted to date

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Red Dragon Hatchling (Reaper Miniatures)

I got this cool for Christmas 2018… same year I got the Green Hatchling for birthday. I like the little reaper dragons. They represent their colour perfectly and are easy to paint! Dragons painted to date

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Young White Dragon (Silver Dragon, Wizkids Miniatures)

In our 2018 campaign, we’ve been running around in a lot of Dungeons, but not encountered any Dragons (well… apart from our Rogue running into a Dragon Whelp). The closest has been an encounter with a Wyvern that brought down an airship, marooning the party on an island. However, I am hoping to change that […]

Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Wyvern aka Typhaggahw, Gwyfern of Ceredigion (Mierce Miniatures)

So this is one of those where I’d love to say I spent hours… nay… DAYS on the paint job… but I did not. Bottomline is I speed painted my way right through this and am very happy with the result! Prime Green Ink with Coelia Greenshade from Games Workshop Drybrush with a light green […]

Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Green Dragon Hatchling (Reaper Miniatures)

And this is my first Dragon for Dungeons & Dragons! I’m quite pleased with this one.