I’ve already painted these menacing warriors once, but I need them for our current D&D campaign and need them with a darker, more ancient undead look as I want to use the Knight of the Bell miniature as a Death Knight guardian.

I’ve already painted these menacing warriors once, but I need them for our current D&D campaign and need them with a darker, more ancient undead look as I want to use the Knight of the Bell miniature as a Death Knight guardian.
I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.
Nobody makes female miniatures like Hasslefree Miniatures. They are my favourite. This Lenore is actually a static pose of Dynamic Lenore that I painted 4 years ago. I speedpainted Lenore as I need her for our next D&D game. The fairytale gang I painted these minis from 3 different manufacturers at the same […]
I don’t remember when I bought this mighty werewolf giant. It is one of those that’s been in my Gallery of Shame for a long long time. But with the emergence of contrast paints and speed paints, painting large minis like this has become less daunting so I finally got this one finished. I’ve added […]
Brother Vinni Miniatures can be a bit on the adult themed side, but their miniatures are really great and these dancing ladies were no different.
One of three heroes I’ve painted up for a oneshot with our old D&D gang from London. I like how the armour turned out. Metal with a purple shade, simples. The heroes together
I bought these menacing miniatures to be some kind of guards in hell for our current Phlegethos campaign. Originally I wanted to do the obvious and paint them in dirty white crusader colours, but I changed my mind and painted them much darker in blood red garments. I am happy I made this choice. I […]
For our light hearted “Bebbie’s Bar” campaign, one of the players chose to be a Waiter/Rogue. Originally I planned to use the waiter miniature you see below as is, but it lacked a rogue-ish feel so I added a mask and a sword and repainted it. The original From this set of bar NPCs. Converted […]
Another well-dressed lady from Darksword Miniatures. This time Lysa Arryn. This was a quick paintjob, but I am happy with the result.
We all love her. We all hate her: Cersei Lannister! But as a miniature from Darksword Miniatures, she looks fantastic. Great for a snobbish noble lady in a city setting. Had lots of fun painting her, especially trying to give her a scheming look in her eyes. ♫ ♬ Oh, it is […]
Unfortunately, Hasslefree Miniatures’ site is currently under construction so I cannot find the proper name for this miniature. But it is a great example of how Hasslefree can give even the simplest character so much personality. Really like this minature, her confident pose and calmly resting her hand on the sword is fantastic. And she […]
Getting ready for our new campaign “The Ball“. The first paint job, is for our Cleric Autumn… her coat was meant to be red but it became more of a magenta, but the player is happy with it so all good. ♫ ♬ Oh, it is ladies night and the feeling’s right ♫ ♬ I’m […]