Cryx Dungeons and Dragons Undead Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – 4 x Asphyxious the Iron Lich (Privateer Press)

I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back including the original of miniature of Asphyxious the Iron Lich. But reading up on Liches on D&D, I realised they can cast “Mirror Image” creating 3 mirror images of themselves. Now, I normally try to be economic with both terrain and miniatures, but sometimes the […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 9: Thaddeus Rostak The Iron Lich

DM notes, our heroes have reached level 16, which is higher than any D&D game I have ever run. At the same time I have chosen a Lich as the big bad and I tend to avoid running magic users as I am shit at them. So I spend the day before the game reading […]

Constructs Cryx Dungeons and Dragons Undead Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Cryx Slayers, Defilers and Bonerippers (Privateer Press)

I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back and following the same technique, I speedpainted this bunch of Helljacks.

Dungeons and Dragons Elementals Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Spirit Cauldron (Privateer Press)

This Spirit Cauldron comes with the Gatorman Boil Master I bought back in 2018 for one of the very first D&D games I ran, but but never got around to paint it. This was painted using “Hexwraith Flame” and i really like the result. I did thin it down a bit and also did some […]

Dwarves Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Fraia, Dwarven beauty (Artisan Guild)

i’ve had the miniature laying around for some time now. It happens I buy NPC type miniatures, but never get them painted as they don’t feature in any D&D combat encounters and social encounters I tend to use Theatre of the Mind. A while back I painted a few minis as ghosts using “Nihilakh Oxide” […]

Constructs Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Komainu (Rising Sun, CMON)

I bought the Rising Sun game from CMON solely because of the miniatures and the Oni certainly did not disappoint. Equally, this Komainu miniature was super fun to paint. it didn’t take long but it was fun nevertheless and I like the result.    

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 8: Pulled Pork

With the wish from the freed Djinni, our heroes gained 10 years of experience in an instance. The piggy in the hut made of straw and grass was stupid, but not so stupid he would stick around to face the party so he fled to his brother living in a castle made of wood further […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 7: Singing in the Elderthorn Forest

Having found the first of the three lost fairytales, the heroes were back at the fairytale crossroads heading down a second path. As they walked in the beautiful summer weather, Thorga realised they had walked for hours with nothing worth noticing and as soon as he alerted his companions, they all notice the delicate singing […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 6: Curse of Mushroom

The Hellbenders were heading back to the Grim Glee Jubilee after having found the first fairytale and as they closed in, a strangle little gnome-like fella came hurrying to them. He introduced himself as Snuggles, the cousin of Sniff the ticket attendant the heroes had met when they first came to the Jubilee. He apologised […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 5: Fun at the Grim Glee Jubilee

DM notes, I’ve been using my hobby desk lamp as “camera holder” and it is starting to come loose so I bought this 4smarts LoomiPod Fold Selfie Stand that has worked out great so far. Anyway.. on with the show… Our heroes woke up refreshed and well rested in the small but cozy tent in […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Lenore (Hasslefree Miniatures)

Nobody makes female miniatures like Hasslefree Miniatures. They are my favourite. This Lenore is actually a static pose of Dynamic Lenore that I painted 4 years ago. I speedpainted Lenore as I need her for our next D&D game.     The fairytale gang I painted these minis from 3 different manufacturers at the same […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fey Giants

Dungeons & Dragons – Gorgrot, Porgrothand and Gruntlac Boar Fighters (Monkstone Miniatures)

What a fun and menacing gang of… pig ogres?! From Monkstone Miniatures. These have been in my Gallery of Shame from before we moved to Copenhagen in 2020, but with contrast paints and speed paints being a thing, I finally got around to paint them.   The fairytale gang I painted these minis from 3 […]