I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.

I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.
As our current campaign is focussed around a growing pack of unusually well organised trolls, it has given me a chance to paint awesome Trollkin minis from Privateer Press. This group here reflects a gang of Trolls who have managed to armour themselves.
I won’t lie: I’ve been wanting to paint these crazy little dudes since I saw them the first time. But since I no longer play Warmachine, I didn’t have a reason to buy them. However, having picked up Dungeons & Dragons, they seemed like a perfect type of crazy fit into the Feywild which is […]
Given I made a Dungeons & Dragons adventure that was crocodile themed for our current campaign, I decided that Lizardmen in my world, Heden Rei, would be Gatormen instead. Some minor tweaks to stats but otherwise identical. These Gatormen minis was speed painted as I needed them done fast in time for the adventure.
I think Privateer Press makes some fantastic miniatures, and some of them, like this Swamp Horror, is great inspiration for a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. My players haven’t faced this one yet in our current campaign… but they will! Base is using “Scenic Water” from Woodland Scenics and “Valhallan Blizzard” from Games Workshop.
I use the Gatormen miniatures from Hordes as Lizardmen in our current Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Mostly I use the stats like for like, but for Jaga-Jaga, I made her a beefed up Lizardman Shaman with a bonus attack taken from a snake making her quite leathal in close combat. She proved a serious challenge for […]
Baldur the Stonecleaver Baldur follows the main colourscheme for Circle expect I have given him a Khadorian red coat to bring forth his Khadorian history and origin. I have also painted the glyphs on his coat in a light blue glowing fashion to give him a magic touch. I wanted to paint his sword […]
Kaya’s colourscheme follows the overall Circle colours, nothing fancy. However sometimes nothing fancy gets you something really good. I think Kaya turned out to be such a mini, both because I am very happy with all the blending etc, but also because her face has become the best face I have painted. And I […]
Circle Colourscheme I am going to follow the “official” colourscheme (nature colours greens and browns) since I feel it is the right colours and I love the green/brass armour bits. However, I will allow myself some artistic freedom to bring forht the history of the miniatures, for example Baldur has red coat to symbolise his […]
Hoarluk is following the overall Trollkin colourscheme with an exceptionin having royal blue and gold side panels down his side, just to give him a bit of royal feel. Orignally I wanted to paint the scroll with small lines as on my Menoth Choir to simulate writing. However I realised this doesn’t really reflect the wild nature […]