Bad Moon Warband Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Space Orcs Armylist

Individuals AC RA CC ST T W CO AR Points Captain (1) 9 7 7 6 6 3 8 6 111 Equipment Pounder de-Luxe, Ceremonial Sword (S+1)can be upgraded to Power Fist (S:7 D:2 Mod-2 +24p), Frag Grenade (+8p), Thermal Grenade (+9p) Skills Unerring (fumbles counts as misses) AC RA CC ST T W CO […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Rogue Trader

Back to the Grim Darkness of a Far, Far Future… Re-discovering Rogue Trader – A trip back in time. The last couple of months I have had this idea about bringing my old Realm of Chaos books to London and make some warbands and see if I could find anybody who would be interested in […]