Blessings, curses, skills
Father Winter’s Blessing
- Advantage on rolls against the Frightened condition.
Lightening bolt
- Action: Cast once per day for free. Refreshes at dawn.
- 100feet straight line. 5feet wide.
- anyone in the line rolls DC13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save takes 8D6 lightning damage. Half as much damage on a successful save.
Magic weapons
Sun Oath (Long Bow)
Soulbound to Kaari
- Damage: D8+Dex
- When Kaari draws the bow, she swears an oath against a single enemy. For the next 7 days, until that enemy is killed, the following happens:
- Kaari get Advantage on attack rolls made with Sun Oath against that enemy.
- Sun Oath ignores range and cover modifiers against that enemy (other than total cover).
- Sun Oath deals and additional 3D6 Radiant damage against that enemy.
- Kaari gains Disadvantage with all other weapons.
Shortsword of Sharpness (Shortsword)
- Damage: D6+STR/DEX
- To hit: STR/DEX = Proficiency
- Light weapon (can dual wield)
- On a Nat20 gains + 14 damage. Roll D20 again. On another Nat20 the sword shops of a random limp. Roll a D12:
- Nose
- Left hand
- Left arm
- Left foot
- Left leg
- Left ear
- Right hand
- Right arm
- Right foot
- Right leg
- Right ear
- Head (= dead)
Bow of Silver Tears
- Damage: d8+dex force damage.
- Silver
- Magical
Sharpshooter Bow
- Choose to take -5 to hit and add +10 damage.
- Ignores up to 3/4 cover.
Scimitar of Speed
- Damage: d6+DEX+2
- +2 to hit.
- Speedy attack (bonus action): Extra attack that stacks with dual weild.
Crystal Generation (2 x Scimitar)
A magic weapon made out of dragon glass (Stone imbued with Crystal Dragon breath) by Ms Gentlefeet.
- Damage: d6+DEX or STR.
- Critical scatter. On a critical fail to hit, the scimitar is destroyed.
- Stacked damage: On a damage roll of 6, roll d6 again and at to the result. On a further roll of 6 repeat.
- Critical Crystal Flash: On critical hit, a blinding flash appears. All creatures within 109ft takes DC13 DEX or blinded 1 turn.
Magic items.
Mill Workers Wine
Regain 20 HP + Max HP increases by 20 for 4 hours.
DC13Con or pass out.
Silver Tongue Wine
Gains advantage on CHA based rolls and checks for 4 hours.
Nihilus’ Cloak of Invisibility
- AC +1, Saving throws +1.
- Pull hood up to turn invisible. Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak’s maximum duration of 1 hour. After 1 hour of use, the cloak ceases to function. it takes 24 hours for the cloak to recharge.
Storm bottle
- 1 use.
- Contains a storm that can be let loose.
Bottled Djinni
- A trapped Djinni found at the bottom of a lake.
- gives 1 Wish if released.
- Gain flight 50ft when in use.
- The staff can be broken. AC22, Dam > 20 (or 10 if fire damage).
Bag of Pixie Dust
- 1 use. Gain flight 30 ft for 1 minute.
- Once the magic wears off, you just drift safely down to the ground.
Goblin Giggle Giblet
- Uncork and tilt to let loose laughter of a goblin.
Fey flask of Nihilus
gift from the Chief Chester of the Grim Glee Jubilee Domain of Delight.
- 1 use a day. Refills at midnight.
- Roll a D10 and consult page 184 of DM notes.
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
- unknown
Oil of Sharpness
- 4 uses left
- +3 to hit and damage
Portable hole
- Action: unfold or fold hole.
- 6ft in diameter, 10ft deep.
- No matter what is in the hole, it weighs nothing.
- If hold is folded up with a creature inside, DC10 DEX to escape.
- |more info here