The Hellbenders – Kaari the Human Ranger

Blessings, curses, skills

Father Winter’s Blessing

  • Advantage on rolls against the Frightened condition.

Lightening bolt

  • Action: Cast once per day for free. Refreshes at dawn.
  • 100feet straight line. 5feet wide.
  • anyone in the line rolls DC13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save takes 8D6 lightning damage. Half as much damage on a successful save.

Magic weapons

Sun Oath (Long Bow)

Soulbound to Kaari

  • Damage: D8+Dex
  • When Kaari draws the bow, she swears an oath against a single enemy. For the next 7 days, until that enemy is killed, the following happens:
    • Kaari get Advantage on attack rolls made with Sun Oath against that enemy.
    • Sun Oath ignores range and cover modifiers against that enemy (other than total cover).
    • Sun Oath deals and additional 3D6 Radiant damage against that enemy.
    • Kaari gains Disadvantage with all other weapons.

Shortsword of Sharpness (Shortsword)

  • Damage: D6+STR/DEX
  • To hit: STR/DEX = Proficiency
  • Light weapon (can dual wield)
  • On a Nat20 gains + 14 damage. Roll D20 again. On another Nat20 the sword shops of a random limp. Roll a D12:
    1. Nose
    2. Left hand
    3. Left arm
    4. Left foot
    5. Left leg
    6. Left ear
    7. Right hand
    8. Right arm
    9. Right foot
    10. Right leg
    11. Right ear
    12. Head (= dead)

Bow of Silver Tears

  • Damage: d8+dex force damage.
  • Silver
  • Magical

Sharpshooter Bow

  • Choose to take -5 to hit and add +10 damage.
  • Ignores up to 3/4 cover.

Scimitar of Speed

  • Damage: d6+DEX+2
  • +2 to hit.
  • Speedy attack (bonus action): Extra attack that stacks with dual weild.

Crystal Generation (2 x Scimitar)

A magic weapon made out of dragon glass (Stone imbued with Crystal Dragon breath) by Ms Gentlefeet.

  • Damage: d6+DEX or STR.
  • Critical scatter. On a critical fail to hit, the scimitar is destroyed.
  • Stacked damage: On a damage roll of 6, roll d6 again and at to the result. On a further roll of 6 repeat.
  • Critical Crystal Flash: On critical hit, a blinding flash appears. All creatures within 109ft takes DC13 DEX or blinded 1 turn.

Magic items.

Mill Workers Wine

Regain 20 HP + Max HP increases by 20 for 4 hours.

DC13Con or pass out.

Silver Tongue Wine

Gains advantage on CHA based rolls and checks for 4 hours.

Nihilus’ Cloak of Invisibility

  • AC +1, Saving throws +1.
  • Pull hood up to turn invisible. Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak’s maximum duration of 1 hour. After 1 hour of use, the cloak ceases to function. it takes 24 hours for the cloak to recharge.

Storm bottle

  • 1 use.
  • Contains a storm that can be let loose.

Bottled Djinni

  • A trapped Djinni found at the bottom of a lake.
  • gives 1 Wish if released.



      • Gain flight 50ft when in use.
      • The staff can be broken. AC22, Dam > 20 (or 10 if fire damage).

Bag of Pixie Dust

      • 1 use. Gain flight 30 ft for 1 minute.
      • Once the magic wears off, you just drift safely down to the ground.

Goblin Giggle Giblet

      • Uncork and tilt to let loose laughter of a goblin.

Fey flask of Nihilus

gift from the Chief Chester of the Grim Glee Jubilee Domain of Delight.

      • 1 use a day. Refills at midnight.
      • Roll a D10 and consult page 184 of DM notes.
        1. unknown
        2. unknown
        3. unknown
        4. unknown
        5. unknown
        6. unknown
        7. unknown
        8. unknown
        9. unknown
        10. unknown

Oil of Sharpness

      • 4 uses left
      • +3 to hit and damage

Portable hole

      • Action: unfold or fold hole.
      • 6ft in diameter, 10ft deep.
      • No matter what is in the hole, it weighs nothing.
      • If hold is folded up with a creature inside, DC10 DEX to escape.
      • |more info here

