While my wargaming miniature hobby has a been standing almost still over the last few years due to my lack of available time to paint, I have thrown myself over another hobby, greatly inspired by recent holidays to Tokyo: Vinyl anime and Mange figurines. They may seem like an odd addition to this site, but […]
AGS Con 05
It is the day after the official Warmachine torunament at AGS Con 05 with a slightly Cryx-y feel to it (4 Cryx armies vs 1 Cygnar and 1 Khador) and a somewhat recognisable list of players (4 from my local club PEWC). My force used was (I had two forces but only used this one): 1 Warwitch Deneghra […]
PDF Goodies
The goodies here are all PDF files so you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine. You can get it for free from Adobe. Comic Templates Just for laughs 😉 New! Cryx Comic Templates (454 KBytes) Khador Comic Templates (75 KBytes) Menoth Comic Templates (76 KBytes) Cygnar Comic Templates (99 KBytes) The original Comic Templates (93 KBytes) Damage Sheets These PDFs […]
Campaign December 2003
Before we start Each players starts with 500GC (Gold Coins) which can be spend on buying troops before we begin or be saved for later. You do not have to use all GCs but remember you can later only buy troops in the City and Warjacks in the Warjacks Workshop. Mercenaries are not alowed from […]
Cryx Campaign Diary, July 2004
Current Army selection 1 Goreshade 80 1 Skarlock 16 1 Machine Wraith 21 1 Pistol Wraith 33 1 Night Wretch 44 2 Slayer 220 3 Necrotechs 27 10 Scrap Thralls 50 10 Mechanithralls 60 5 Trolls 80 Total Army size 634 Gold Coins 25 Diary 6/7 Versus Cygnar led by Stryker. Won (9/9) +210 Gold […]
Campaign July 2004
Campaign Rules Players 5 points: Nemo Winner (Angrychef) 3 points: Goreshade (Scrollmaster) 2 points: Stryker (Steve) 1 point: The Butcher (Darkseer) 0 points: Grand Scrutator Severius (Bigrob) 0 points: Vlad (DrDuran) Game Schedule Date Player 1 Player 2 Results 6/7 Butcher Severious 1-0 (0-0) Vlad Nemo 0-1 (0-12) Stryker Goreshade 0-1 (9-9) 13/7 Butcher Goreshade 0-1 (0-6) Vlad Stryker 0-1 (4-8) Nemo Severious 1-0 (15-5) 20/7 Butcher Nemo 0-1 (0-0) Vlad Goreshade 0-1 (1-8) Stryker Severious […]
The Seneshal is painted like the Knights Exemplar because he is one of them. His swords are not painted white as the Knights leader simply because I don’t think a knight has to be a Knights Leader to become a Seneshal and besides the second sword is from a fallen battle brother who might not have been […]
High Exemplar Kreoss
Kreoss is painted like the Knights Exemplar because he is one of them. I was considering painting elaborate patterns on his cloak and maybe add some colour, but then I thought “No, he is a knight”, and I think he would dress as humbly as posible to honor his battle brothers.
Choir of Menoth
Only the priest is painted all white because he is the “purest”. The acolytes only have a white cloth over their dark robes because the most important thing about them is the scrolls they bring to the battle field. They are not yet worthy of the full on white suit. It is a bit funny […]
I painted the Revengers as I have painted my Menoth troops: Primed black and painted white. However this really didn’t work out as I planned on the first one (the right one) because painteing larger areas of black white requires many layers of white… too many. So the result looks crap! The second one I […]
Knights Exemplar
This is the first test of the all white and metal colourscheme I have planned for my Menoth and I am very happy with these guys. And i am glad I decided to do a Knights themed army since I was hoping several of these white cladded holy warriors would look better together and I […]
Revenger prototype
At the time writting this I am actually a Cryx player, but I had this idea that a mideval painting on the big plates of a Menoth jack could look cool so I decided to buy a Menoth jack to try it out. This is the first time in years I am painting a […]