I picked this Ghost up ages ago, but kept putting off painting it, which is stupid as painting it was literally: Spray black, drybrush and add a bit of details. done!

I picked this Ghost up ages ago, but kept putting off painting it, which is stupid as painting it was literally: Spray black, drybrush and add a bit of details. done!
The first time I saw this dragon I really liked it and it didn’t take long for me to buy it. I bought it as a Reaper Bones as I think the details are good enough on bigger creatures. Fast paint job, lots of drybrushing… in fact I probably spent more time making and painting […]
I was curious to see how the Reaper Bones dragon would stack up to the Wizkids Dragon. I think the Wizkids one has sharper details, but overall I can certainly live with the quality of the Reaper Bones dragon. For that price both gets my thumbs up! Dragons painted to date