Ogryn Mob Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Ogryn (Games Workshop)

Back when I played Warhammer 40.000 Rogue Trader in the 90s, I played Bad Moon Ork but always wanted an Ogryn mob. However, I could never find the miniatures in the local shops in Denmark (there were very few). I just bought this one, sc ulpted by Bob Olley, on ebay and it’s been super […]

Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 4th Edition: Orc and Goblin army

I painted this army back in 1995 – 1999 while studying visual communication and graphic design. I never really got around to photograph them, but now I am selling them for charity on ebay, I thought I’d capture them in all their battle worn glory: The army complete As you can see this army is […]

Bad Moon Warband Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Warhammer 40.000: Rogue Trader – Ork Bad Moon Weirdboy

I’ve just conducted a full audit of my miniatures and put a huge pile of them on on eBay for charity. However, looking through all the minis, I found one I’ve forgotten I’ve painted. One of my all time favourite miniatures: The Ork Weirdboy from the Rogue Trader era. So I thought I’d upload some […]