Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – The Gambler’s Chest – Atnas the Child Eater

This is the second mini I have painted up from the Gambler’s Chest expansion. Seems fitting as it is December at the time of writing this. I really had fun painting this evil santa, so many details and I had some challenges along the way one being painting Games Workshop White on top of Army […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – The Gambler’s Chest – Crimson Crocodile

Back in 2017, I backed the second Kingdom Death: Monster Kickstarter on the recommendation of my brother and oh boy, I am glad I did. It is one of the boardgames my wife and I have played the most. But after moving to Denmark in 2020, we haven’t really touched the game much. So it […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death Monster – Goblin Dragon Male Pinup (Kingdom Death Monster)

So here’s the thing: If I bench mark this against the miniatures I paint for Dungeons & Dragons, I am quite happy with him, but compared to other Kingdom Death Miniatures I have painted, I don’t think I gave this enough time. e.g. Look at Miko or Preacher. I think they are better. But yes, […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – Vignette of Death: White Gigalion

It’s been almost exactly a year and a half since I last painted a Kingdom Death: Monster miniature with all the moving between countries and ofcourse my painting time being used up by painting the miniatures I need to run Dungeons & Dragons. But I finally got around to paint the Vignette of Death: White […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – The Hand

I don’t know the story behind “The Hand” in Kingdom Death: Monster as we have never been that far (we actually will meet him next time after today’s game!). But I wanted him to look different from the Kingsman and tried to give him a bit more of a worn look. Overall I’m happy with […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – Death High: Miko

I don’t often paint miniatures that I don’t need to play an associated game, but the pandemic lockdown has given me more time on my hands and it gave me the chance to paint on of Kingdom Death’s cool pinups: The Death High Miko. I decided to paint her skin dark. This is not something […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – Death High Preacher Pinup

Eventhough the Kingdom Death: Monster pinups are great, I don’t paint a lot iof them since I tend to paint what I need to play and they don’t feature in the game.a Nevertheless, I thought it could be fun to paint a male pinup so I bought this fantastic Preacher mini and it has been […]

Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books Kingdom Death: Monster

MEGA POST – My 2019 painted miniatures!

I think I painted about the same amount of miniatures in 2019 as I did in 2018. Rediscovering D&D after 20 year break has really revived my painting hobby. While I have been playing tabletop wargames (stopped around 2010), you tend to stick painting your army from the company that owns the game. With Dungeons […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – More starting survivors

We decided to invite some friends over to try Kingdom Death: Monster and it so happened we would be 5 players so very (VERY) last minute, I glued two extra survivors together and speed painted them. They are nowhere near as cool as the original prologue survivor in neither paintjob nor miniature sculpt, but they […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – Female Chef Pinup

I don’t paint a lot of miniatures I don’t need for playing. And frankly, painting any of the KDM pinups is a daunting task because A) they are so well made and B) those who tend to paint them are pro or semi-pro painters… in fact I’ve only painted one before. I also struggle with […]

Board Games

Mice and Mystics – Core set painted

Mice and Mystics is a great board game. period. I love the rules, I love the immersive story and I love the difficulty of the game (no, it is not on the easy side). I finally got around to paint the minis. It has been a quick speed paint with a lot of drybrushing for […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – The Flower Knight

My favourite monster miniature is the Lion Knight as I love that miniature, but miniature and rules combined, I have to say the Flower Knight wins. This is also a fantastic and imaginative miniature. Here fighting a survivor in full hide armour wielding a scrap sword.