I actually painted these little dudes a while back and even fielded them in a game, so I am not sure how I forgot to take photos and upload them, but here they are! They are super fun to play with. Especially the Gazers!

I actually painted these little dudes a while back and even fielded them in a game, so I am not sure how I forgot to take photos and upload them, but here they are! They are super fun to play with. Especially the Gazers!
I’ve had this Bathalian Pirate from Reaper Miniatures hidden in my box for ages and finally got around to paint it. First ever Mind Flayer I have painted. Great fun and I’ve ordered some more.
Ok, so I bought this miniature last year simply because it is super cool!… and, I’ve never actually had a Beholder miniature (yes, I do have Bebbie the Bartender Beholder, and I do have a Death Tyrant, buuuut…) However, this is a very popular miniature and there are so many cool paint jobs of it […]
i cannot believe I haven’t made a page for this Death Tyrant from Jax Miniatures !! i actually painted it in the beginning of last year (2018) when I first started playing Dungeons & Dragons again after a 20 year break. It was even the inspiration for Bebbie the Beholder Bartender. Anyway, better late than […]
I think Privateer Press makes some fantastic miniatures, and some of them, like this Swamp Horror, is great inspiration for a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. My players haven’t faced this one yet in our current campaign… but they will! Base is using “Scenic Water” from Woodland Scenics and “Valhallan Blizzard” from Games Workshop.
What started out as a unintended joke, has taken shape and is fast becoming a new entry to my “War of the Triplets” Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I give thee: Bebbie the Beholder Barkeeper, owner of Bebbie’s Bar and boss of the bouncer, Techno Viking! I already have a purpose in my mind and hope […]