This was a speed paint job, but I really really like the result. There is something cool about metallic Dragonborn. I’ve only painted one before.

This was a speed paint job, but I really really like the result. There is something cool about metallic Dragonborn. I’ve only painted one before.
The D&D party we set out over 18 months have stayed very much the same. The characters have gathered a small band of supporting animals, but overall stayed the same. However, recent events have changed that. First our Drow Rogue was killed and now our Dragonborn Sorcerer is evolving after having picked up a lost […]
I do think Skinks from Games Workshop Lizardmen range has potential as Kobolds so I got a few with a Razordon to add some punch to my existing Kobolds.
As mentioned in the red batch, I think the Kobolds from Otherworld Miniatures are so full of character and great minis too. Since then, I have field the Kobolds and while our heroes didn’t enjoy the encounter so much (the players did), I had a blast as I decided to mimic the behaviour of the […]
Truth is I have never fielded Kobolds! So when I saw these little dudes from Otherworld Miniatures I was super excited about painting them so I hope I get a chance to field them. One of the things I love about the Warhammer 40.000 Rouge Trade era Orks is the personality that shines through in […]
When I started our D&D campaign last year, I didn’t expect Dragonborn to be a major element of the game, but that was before I found DarkSword Miniatures. Their Dragonkin are fantastic. Here is their latest Dragonkin Warrior with his pal, the Dragonman Warrior from Reaper. Both perfect as Dragonkin for D&D. Dragonborn to date
This “Dragonman” from Reaper is one of those rare cases where I buy a miniature without a planned purpose. I simply thought it looked great as a Half Dragon. I’m sure he will find his way into our campaign.
I have to be honest, I am a really big fan of Darksword Miniatures, but this Dragonkin Warrior is my least favourite of their Dragonkin minis. But I wanted a full set of their Dragonkin minis which I in general think are awesome. I ordered it. And the day after they revealed a new much […]
Anther mini from the box my fiancée got for me when we started playing D&D at the start of 2018. I grew up with Dragonlance so Draconians (whether they are called Dragonborn or Dragonkin or whatever) are a favourite race of mine for sure! In fact, writing this I think my top 5 races are: […]
I think this amazing Dragonkin is a good example of why I like Dragonkin from Darksword miniatures rather than for example from Reaper. I was originally thinking of painting his skin black or dark blue to really be a camouflaged Rougue, but then I thought it would be much cooler to make his skin brighter […]
One of my friends is playing Dungeons & Dragons for the first time and when I first spoke to her about it, her first reaction was she wanted to be a big scruffy barbarian guy! However, after having done some research on her own she changed her mind to a Dragonborn Sorcerer, which was an […]