I already have an Owlbear, but this Snowy Owlbear was too cute not to get. Fun and fast to paint. Nothing more to say than I think it would fit a Christmas oneshot.

I already have an Owlbear, but this Snowy Owlbear was too cute not to get. Fun and fast to paint. Nothing more to say than I think it would fit a Christmas oneshot.
This was the third of the “Big Boys” I painted back to back, starting with the Storm Giant and the Frost Giant. While the Yeti isn’t part of the Ordening (or even Giantkind), it can still work fine as a buddy to the Frost Giant, maybe a pet, maybe a short-lived alliance. This was one […]
These Umber Hulks are the first two 3D printed miniatures I have ever painted. I bought them at DnDFigurer.dk, a shop that prints and cleans 3D miniatures. They are good quality and the actual pose and design is pretty awesome. I have never painted Umber Hulks before, so I took my time using techniques inspired […]
I am super excited about having finished this Griffon! Yes, throwing a CR2 monster against a 6 person strong lvl 8 party is not going to be an encounter worth remembering, but there are a number of reason why I have enjoyed painting this awesome miniature nevertheless. It is a Christmas present from my wife […]
Darksword Miniatures are always a joy to paint and these two “ladies” were no different.
Sometimes a mini comes along that is somewhere between insane and awesome. The Cupboard Mimic from Zealot Miniatures definitely falls into this category and I am currently trying to create some D&D stats for this… Well actually I don’t see this as a mimic. It seems way to aggressive and dynamic and I think it […]
No, I do not believe there’s such a thing as too many mimics! Looks like Galladoria Games (previously ForgePrints) agree with their Mimic Invasion Kit.
My players don’t like mimics. I do! And honestly, how can you not love this crazy-ass Gazebo Mimic. Amazing! One thing that bugged me about this miniature was there was no thought given to how the panel with the Mimic face could be removed and reattached. It feels like the sculpture assumes that the owner […]
I was looking for some magical henchmen for the crazed Santa in my Christmas 2018 D&D oneshot… and… I… found… these!! Could these Snow Goons from Reaper Miniatures be anymore perfect?
So … my party has figured out that they can run away from mimics… or so they thought! Not had a chance to field this crazy fast mimic yet, but I will!
Found this super awesome Minotaur at Mierce Miniatures stand at this year’s Salute. He didn’t really fit into my ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign, but he was too cool to pass by. As it happened, I had to pause the overall campaign for a bit, which meant I was able to do a spin-off chapter […]