Dungeons and Dragons Fiends Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Cupboard Mimic (Zealot Miniatures)

Sometimes a mini comes along that is somewhere between insane and awesome. The Cupboard Mimic from Zealot Miniatures definitely falls into this category and I am currently trying to create some D&D stats for this… Well actually I don’t see this as a mimic. It seems way to aggressive and dynamic and I think it […]

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Mimic Invasion Kit (Galladoria Games / Forge Prints)

No, I do not believe there’s such a thing as too many mimics! Looks like Galladoria Games (previously ForgePrints) agree with their Mimic Invasion Kit.

Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books

Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures!

Getting back into Dungeons & Dragons this year has truly revived my painting hobby and looking back at 2018, I have painted more minis this year than the previous decade! Without any further ado, here are all of them in a single post! Enjoy! also check out my other two mega posts: Dungeons & Dragons MEGA […]

Dungeons and Dragons Holiday Specials Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons – OneShot: Gnome More Mr Nice Guy!

The last campaign session we played, neatly wrapped up 2018 as a season, so for the last D&D game of the year, I made this Christmas Oneshot called “Gnome More Mr Nice Guy1” inspired by these these absolutely fantastic Gnomes from Northumbrian Tin Soldier. Below is how the game went, but if you are a Dungeon Master […]

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gazebo Mimic (Knights of the Dinner Table)

My players don’t like mimics. I do! And honestly, how can you not love this crazy-ass Gazebo Mimic. Amazing! One thing that bugged me about this miniature was there was no thought given to how the panel with the Mimic face could be removed and reattached. It feels like the sculpture assumes that the owner […]

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Discworld Luggage (Micro Art Studio)

So … my party has figured out that they can run away from mimics… or so they thought! Not had a chance to field this crazy fast mimic yet, but I will!