The Hellbenders – Pestilence, the Tabaxi Warlock

Pestilence was introduce in Chapter 5 of our Third campaign after the loss of Seipora in Chapter 4.

Blessings, curses, skills

Father Winter’s Blessing

  • Advantage on rolls against the Frightened condition.

Lightening bolt

  • Action: Cast once per day for free. Refreshes at dawn.
  • 100feet straight line. 5feet wide.
  • anyone in the line rolls DC13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save takes 8D6 lightning damage. Half as much damage on a successful save.

Magic items

Nihilus Cloak of the Fey Mage

  • AC + 2 as long as you do not wear metal armour.
  • Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase by 2.

Bag of Pixie Dust

  • 1 use. Gain flight 30 ft for 1 minute.
  • Once the magic wears off, you just drift safely down to the ground.


Iron Sight (attuned to Pestilence)

Once per 24 hrs Pestilence can activate one of the following as a Bonus action:

  • Gain Truesight with a 120ft range for 10 minutes.
  • Regain a used spell slot worth 1 level below its regular value (e.g. a 3rd level spellslot regained can be used to cast up to 2nd level spells).


Rune Stone of Immovable Mood (legendary artifact)

  • Attunement
    • Attuned to Pestilence.
    • Can only be attuned to one person at a time.
    • The person attuned to, can pass on attunement to another person. This transaction can only happen once every 24 hours.
  • Thrown
    • The Rune Stone can be thrown using either STR or DEX + Proficiency.
    • Range: Short range: 20 feet. Long range (disadvantage) 60 ft.
    • Damage: D4+STR.
    • Recall (bonus action). The Rune Stone can be called back to its attuned master and will teleport back even across dimensions. If the stone is more than a mile from from its attuned master, it will automatically teleport back.
  • Immovable object
    • Once placed, the Rune Stone doesn’t move, even if it is defying gravity.
    • The Rune Stone can hold up to 3,500 kg of weight. More weight causes the Rune Stone to deactivate and fall.
    • A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the fixed Rune Stone up to 10 feet on a success.
  • Emotional reaction 
    • The Rune Stone has a carved dwarven face on it’s surface. The face will grimace according to what it last saw.

Piece from a resonating crystal

  • Unknown

Four potions on Fire breath

  • After drinking and within 1 hour, you can exhale fire as a bonus action at a target within 30 feet.
  • Target takes DC 13 Dex saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 4d6 fire damage, and on a success, half as much.

Ring of Shooting Stars

  • Ring has max 6 charges and gain 1D6 charges at each dawn.
  • use 1 charge as an action to cast faerie fire from the ring.
    • (60 feet range, 20ft cube, all targets in cube rolls DC15 Dex. in a fail, lights up shedding light within 10ft and attacks against the target is made with advantage. Target cannot benefit from being invisible.)
  • Use 1 to 3 charges as an action to a launch a shooting star from the ring at a target within 60 feet. Each creature within 15 feet of the target takes DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • Use 2 charges as an action to create between 1 and 4 3ft balls of lightning within 120ft that stays for 1 minute (concentration spell).
    • Each sphere causes 30feet of dim light.
    • As a bonus action you can move each sphere 30ft (but no more than 120ft away from you)
    • Anybody coming within 5ft of a sphere takes a DC15 dex saving throw. On fail, consult chart below:
      • 4 spheres =  2d4 lighting damage.
      • 3spheres =  2d6 lighting damage.
      • 2spheres =  5d4 lighting damage.
      • 1sphere =  4d12 lighting damage.

Blessings and curses

Bardic Inspiration