Dungeons and Dragons Holiday Specials Monsters Monstrosities

Dungeons & Dragons – Snow Goons (Reaper Miniatures)

I was looking for some magical henchmen for the crazed Santa in my Christmas 2018 D&D oneshot… and… I… found… these!! Could these Snow Goons from Reaper Miniatures be anymore perfect?

Dungeons and Dragons Fey Holiday Specials

Dungeons & Dragons – Gnome More Mr Nice Guy! (Northumbrian Tin Soldier)

So… the story for my Christmas 2018 D&D oneshot has been building up in my mind since I bought these absolutely fantastic Gnomes from Northumbrian Tin Soldier at Salute in April! To give a bit of background, in Denmark, where I grew up, Santa lives on Greenland, not the North Pole. And he doesn’t have […]

Anthropomorphic races Dungeons and Dragons Fey Holiday Specials

Dungeons & Dragons – Easter Bunny (Darksword Miniatures)

Normally I turn to Darksword Miniatures when I need really cool fantasy miniatures like these this Dragonkin or this Elven Ranger but they also make other, more quirky miniatures and this Easter Bunny was perfect for my Christmas 2018 D&D Oneshot (spoiler alert).    

Dungeons and Dragons Mousling

Dungeons & Dragons – Mousling Wizard, Bard, Monk and Fighter (Reaper Miniatures)

I’ve been buying quite a few Mousling miniatures as I think they are super fun. But I haven’t had a reason to put them into our current D&D campaign War of the Triplets , which meant I haven’t had a real reason to paint them. However, for my Christmas 2018 oneshot, I wanted to give my […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Scenery scatter using tea lights

I guess the easiest and most common way to use tea lights as terrain scatter, is to wrap or paint them as is so you essentially get tea light shaped objects such as the lights in use for my Posh Ball Terrain Board set. But I wanted to try something else that would hide the […]

Dungeons and Dragons Holiday Specials Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Fast snow terrain

For my 2018 Christmas D&D oneshot, I needed some quick winterish terrain to go with my Ice and Snow Terrain set. Now this was all made really speedy, but I am happy with the result. Basically for rolled up snowballs I used polystyrene balls and glued a mixture of white paint, PVA and baking soda […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Little Cottage (Oathsworn Miniatures)

I stumbled across this little amazing piece of scenery at Salute 2018 – I didn’t really know what to use it for at the time, but I am glad I bought it as it fits my upcoming D&D Christmas Oneshot… and it is now out of production. As with my Medieval Tavern, the stoneworks is using […]

Bebbie's Bar Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Medieval Tavern (Zealot Miniatures)

When it comes to bigger terrain features and boards, I normally build them myself. It comes from a long history of being a tabletop wargamer where terrain by and large is: The board, some hills for troops with ranged weapons and some walls/ruins for everybody else to hide behind! With Dungeons & Dragons, the scenery […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Pirate Captain Ulgat (Freebooter Miniatures) and Goblin Buccaneer (Rackham)

i was doing a spin-off chapter to our Dungeons and Dragons campaign and I wanted to use some goblin pirates I have, but at lvl 3-4 goblins aren’t that scary to the party, so I decided to add a bit of oomph using an old Rackham Buccanner and a new Freebooter Mini I got called […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Pirate Captain Krill (Rackham)

I never really got a chance to really get into Confrontation, but I still have a few minis from that time including this badass Captain Krill miniature. He was a natural first choice as the leader of the Goblin Pirates in a game I made for our Dungeons & Dragons campaign,

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Cryx Captain Rengrave (Privateer Press)

I was part of “the wave” when IK Warmachine first hit and was a diehard Cryx player for a long time before I felt the game got too big. But I keep up with what the produce so when I needed an undead captain for a Dungeons & Dragons game, it was an easy choice to […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Princess Elena (Reaper Miniatures)

My financée’s name is Elena so when I saw this mini it was an instant buy! Ok… so here is a paint that I am unhappy with. I really think her face makeup and eyes looks like that of a prostitute, but her face is so small that I can’t really see her features. I […]