Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Undead ‘The Pope’ and ‘Mummy n°1’ (Greebo Games)

When I bought the Dryad Queen from Greebo Games, I also noticed how many amazing undead miniatures they make and I bought these two without really knowing where they would fit in my campaign. Fast forward to now where we are closing in on the first big conclusion of the campaign, it is clear our […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 6 – The Posh Ball

At the time of making this set, our campaign had mainly taken the adventurers out in the wild. Forrests, dungeons, a small village here and there… you get the idea. But I wanted to switch gear and had two specific type of gaming sessions in mind: First of all make a cerebral mystery type session […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 5 – Lava Inferno

Following my River gaming board, I returned to a more traditional gaming board: My lava set. However, while this board is similar in shape to my Woodland and my Ice and Snow gaming boards, this board is intended to provide a surface of lava the adventurers really do not want to touch. Hence all the […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 3 – The Tower

I am playing Dungeons & Dragons with a group of adults, all busy with a wide variety of jobs. As such getting us together is a difficult task and I am lucky to get us all together once a month. But often I am able to get a subset together and when I do so, […]

Dungeons and Dragons Holiday Specials Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 2 – Ice and Snow

Following the Woodland gaming board set, I decided to make a snow and ice set, mainly because I knew how to make it as I’ve made snow terrain back in the 90s when I played Warhammer 40.000. To save space, I made it on the opposite side of the Woodland set, but the scatter bits […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 4 – River Wild

My fourth gaming board is a bit unusual in that it doesn’t have an actual board! Instead it is made up of a series of large components that can be used standalone to create a board, or be used on top of other boards. It can be used to make rivers of various sizes and […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 3.7: The Devil’s Horns island

So… Just to be clear this game did NOT go as planned. A Total Party Kill can be mighty epic and fill the table with satisfaction eventhough every character got killed. However, a Wipe Out where basically the party utterly fails is never fun and unfortunately this spin-off chapter turn into exactly that. In hindsight I […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets: The Living Map

This London Underground styled map is the living map of our ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It links off to the individual diary entries for each game session.

Dungeons and Dragons Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons – OneShot: Escape from the Slaughter Basement

Not entirely sure how this happened, but I was chatting to the two friends I’ve known the longest (30+ years by now) about getting together in Denmark and somehow it turned into: Let’s play a D&D oneshot Now, the two of them have very different backgrounds in roleplaying games: One used to play D&D and […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Pose Skeleton Not Human 01 Devil (Re-Ment)

while I didWizKidz’ miniatures complain about feeling like toys, there is no reason why you can’t use toys for Dungeons and Dragons. For example, I found these pose skeleton toys by Re-ment in Japan and one of them was a devil one with wings. Quick bone spray, Agrax Earthshade ink and drybrush later, and I have a […]

Dungeons and Dragons Elves

Dungeons & Dragons – Elf Male Paladin (WizKidz)

To beef up my High Elves ranks, I bought a bunch of WizKidz elves I found at my local game store Dark Sphere. I have to say, I’m not impressed. Soft toy-like plastic, not a lot of sharp details. Overall not the quality I am looking for in miniatures. I’ll probably paint them since I […]

Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Dreg Butchers (Reaper Miniatures)

Ok… so I saw these Dregs online and I loved them! I don’t know… I think I may have a thing for hag covens and hags and the female Dreg butcher kinda fits as a hag. But I am probably going to use these two as Ghoul guards in a one-shot I’ve created for two […]