
Zombicide! Speed painted and ready to play

I always wanted to play Zombicide, but painting the 50+ zombies was a daunting task, espercially after spending weeks painting Super Dungeon Explore – Forgotten King boxset. However, by chance I found a great youtube video on how to speed paint zombies and it actually introduced me to a whole new way of painting using glazes […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Kolgor and Trackers of the Behemoth (Rackham Miniatures)

I bought these guys back when Confrontation was still live game. I actually painted Kolgor 6 years ago, but never got around to paint the two trackers. Now that I’m DMing Dungeons & Dragons, I’ve been able to breathe new life and purpose into these mighty fine orc minis from Rackham in our current campaign.

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Commando on Dog (Reaper Miniatures)

I got this cute / scary little goblin from my partner and really wanted to add it to our Dungeons & Dragons campaign. However, next to both the characters and other monster, he didn’t look that scary, so I was wondering how to make him a real threat. In the end I decided to have him […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Orc Kharg, Reven Sergeant (Reaper miniatures)

my partner got me this tough-looking Orc from Reaper. I wanted him to look like a very unsympathetic Slave Task Master, so I made sure he had no decorations or ornaments. Just muscle and rusty armour plates. In our Dungeons & Dragons campaign, he is known as Mr Nice! Orc

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Skeeters (Reaper Miniatures)

I got these Goblin Archers from my partner, but to be honest, they look more like Orcs to me. However, their size is Goblin size so I sam using them as such in our Dungeons & Dragons campaign along side these Goblin Archers from Knightmare Miniatures.  

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Archers (Knightmare Miniatures)

I really like the Goblins from Knightmare Games. From the Boss and the Elite and the Shaman to these lowly Goblin Archers, they all have amazing character and fits right into how I see Goblins as a people, not just monsters. I’ve made use of them in our current Dungeons & Dragons campaign along side these Goblin Archers from […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Orc Warlord Groog Azote de Reyes (Mom Miniaturas)

While looking for evil dwarves, I found this tank of an orc at Mom Miniaturas, the same place as I found these amazing Dwarf Stone Golems. I couldn’t resist buying him as he is perfect for a huge, brutal but intelligent Orc warlord. I will fit him in as a main character later in my Dungeons […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fey

Dungeons & Dragons – Witch Coven (Reaper Miniatures)

I don;’t know… maybe hags are slowly turning into my favourite Dungeons & Dragons monsters. I find them full of character and possibilities and love the minis. They also fit the evolving Feywild storyline in my current Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Just look at this Reaper Witch Coven and the lonely hag from Heresy Miniatures. […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fey Horde Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Mad Caps (Privateer Press)

I won’t lie: I’ve been wanting to paint these crazy little dudes since I saw them the first time. But since I no longer play Warmachine, I didn’t have a reason to buy them. However, having picked up Dungeons & Dragons, they seemed like a perfect type of crazy fit into the Feywild which is […]

Beasts Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Crocodiles (Steve Barber Models)

Not much to say. I needed Crocodiles for a Dungeons & Dragons aventure in our current campaign and found these fantastic crocs. I use the smaller crocodiles as a forewarning to the players while they hear loud growls from the bigger ones coming up the drain.

Anthropomorphic races Dungeons and Dragons Horde Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Gatormen Posse (Privateer Press)

Given I made a Dungeons & Dragons adventure that was crocodile themed for our current campaign, I decided that Lizardmen in my world, Heden Rei, would be Gatormen instead. Some minor tweaks to stats but otherwise identical. These Gatormen minis was speed painted as I needed them done fast in time for the adventure.  

Dungeons and Dragons Fey

Dungeons & Dragons – Dryad, Bianca (Greebo Games)

While randomly browsing to find miniatures suitable for the Feywild, I found this elegant “undead” named Bianca at Greebo Games who I think is perfect as a Dryad Queen in my Dungeons & dragons campaign as there seems to be a Feywild current evolving. I painted her rather quickly: Brown, inked with Earthshade, drybrushed and added […]