Dungeons and Dragons Elementals

Dungeons & Dragons – Djinn couple (Male from Zealot Miniatures and Female from Brother Vinni)

I bought the male Djinn randomly from Zealot Miniatures when I ordered a bunch of terrain as it looked cool. But I am not sure why I later decided to find a female Djinn to complete the couple, but I did at Brother Vinni’s store. Both were quite fast to paint, but I am really […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Furniture and other scenery pieces from Zealot Miniatures and BattleForge

When I paint scenery bits I don’t paint them by where I’ve bought them so sometimes i end up with a bundle like this. Some indoors, some outdoors, some from Zealot Miniatures and some from The Battle Forge Not sure where I got food bits for this table from.

Dungeons and Dragons Hobby Year Books Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 terrain boards and scatter!

Following on from my Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures! and Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – The games we played in 2018! I wanted to capture all the terrain and scenery I either bought and painted or built and painted. My experience with building scenery has mainly been limited to tabletop wargames so by […]

Bebbie's Bar Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Medieval Tavern (Zealot Miniatures)

When it comes to bigger terrain features and boards, I normally build them myself. It comes from a long history of being a tabletop wargamer where terrain by and large is: The board, some hills for troops with ranged weapons and some walls/ruins for everybody else to hide behind! With Dungeons & Dragons, the scenery […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Scenery bits from Zealot Miniatures, Forge Prints, WizKids and Mantic Games

Doors – Mantic Games Zealot Miniatures – misc Pillars from Forge Prints Rusty Dragon Bar – WizKids All together now

Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Furniture and other scenery pieces from Zealot Miniatures

Not much to say here, except I really really had a lot of fun painting these… and thanks to my partner for suggesting wine rings on the table cloths.