I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back and following the same technique, I speedpainted this bunch of Helljacks.

I speedpainted a bunch of Cryx a few months back and following the same technique, I speedpainted this bunch of Helljacks.
I bought the Rising Sun game from CMON solely because of the miniatures and the Oni certainly did not disappoint. Equally, this Komainu miniature was super fun to paint. it didn’t take long but it was fun nevertheless and I like the result.
I have no idea how long I’ve had these two in my Pile of Shame but I can finally call them done. They were speed painted using Army Painter’s speedpaints in like 5 mins and they look great!
I’ve had these Shard Striders laying around for a while now. They were intended for a D&D oneshot I have yet to get a chance to run. However, I had this idea of a Mirror Room encounter for D&D and decided to use these two as Mirror Golems. To give them the chrome mirror effect, […]
What an absolute nightmare of a miniature. I love it! It literally look like something that stepped out of a crazy necromancer’s head, or subconsciousness, and grew organically by its own will. I tried to use the enamel painting techniques that I have been experimenting with…. It turned out fine, but I think I could […]
I first started seeing miniatures painted in the Grim Dark fashion last year and via the help of the Internet, I found a tutorial on how to use Enamel washes, something completely new to me and something that got me really excited. I’ve been painting miniatures since 1987 so this was a fresh new technique […]
I found these at Mantic Games when I was looking for Egyptian skeletons. They are great as constructs. The thing that surprised me when I received them was that they are actually made up of snakes. I couldn’t actually see that on the website. I think when there is something unusual as this, it does […]
I picked this up at Leisure Games. Honestly don’t know for what, but I thought it looked cool. Since then I bought some Enslaved Guardians from Mantic Games and the 4 together is a nice construct unit for Dungeons & dragons. With the Enslaved Guardians
Reaper Miniatures have a lot of models. Most are ok, some a rubbish, but sometimes they release something really inspiring and fun to paint. These Stitch Golems are definitely the later. Was great fun to paint and although my idea of stitching a painting patch on the big one didn’t quite work out as nicely […]
I haven’t played Warhammer 40.000 or Warhammer Fantasy Battle for a long while, but I keep up with what’s happening at Games Workshop and when I saw the Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robots, I really liked them. They remind me of the playstation game Fallout. But I tend to buy only what I need so didn’t get […]
One of the amazing side-effects of playing Dungeons & Dragons again is tat I am no longer locked into a specific miniature line in the same way you tend to get with Tabletop Wargames. As I ave ventured into the world of Roleplaying Games, I’ve found so many cool companies creating all these amazing miniatures. […]
Since Chapter 1.5 of “The War of the Triplets” was a spin-off episode, I wanted a different feel, which meant a different villain in his own world and Dr Frankenmuller and his Flesh Golem was perfect for that role.