Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 13: The Search for the Baroness

Having learned of the Baroness’ disappearance, Damon rallied the rest of the Nightshift heroes and they quickly ran through a number of ideas of how to get into the castle and in the end settled for a similar approach as what Damon had had success with already: The two Paladins would claim to be entering […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate: The “Nightshift” and how it evolved

The Nightshift, is our current active party in our Daisygate campaign and I want to chronicle how the party evolves similar to what I did with the A-Team from our previous campaign. Starting party: Welby Tealeaf – Halfling Rogue Alyanys – Half-elf Warlock Brand Ander – Human Paladin Damon Duskslayer – Human Paladin A High […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Bathing women (Fenryll Miniatures)

ok… I didn’t play this entirely fair. I painted the woman in the bathtub without the blood and posted her on Twitter knowing some of my players would spot her. The truth is, she is the villain of the story who bathes in the blood of fairies, rather than an innocent bystander. Fun way to […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets: “The A-Team” and how it evolved

I thought it would be fun to create an evolution timeline of our heroes from the now ended campaign War of the Triplets. Starting party: Feather – Tabaxi Cleric B.J – Blue Dragonborn Sorcerer Grimshaw Elffucker – Hill Dwarf Barbarian Alfein – Drow Rogue Alaris Hiddenlore – Highelf Ranger Alaris’ wolf “Argento” Not quite an […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 12: The Disappearance of the Baroness

DM note, this game was inspired by Matt Colville’s recent video on running a One-on-One D&D game. I’ve never run any RPG for only one player so I was curious as to how this would be. So instead of informing one of my players of a background story for our next game, I decided to play […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fey

Dungeons & Dragons – Centaur Archer (Atlantis Miniatures)

I saw this miniature at Dragon Meet 2019 and I really liked it but I didn’t buy it as I didn’t have a use for it. Now that our Dungeons & Dragons games are closer aligned with the Feywild, a Centaur might come in handy so I bought it. Fantastic miniature. I decided to paint […]

Harlequin Masques Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Eldar Harlequin prototype

This is my first ever attempt to paint an Eldar miniature. It is/was a prototype for my 1,000 point Rogue Trader Harlequin army, but i painted it a few years back so I can’t remember what colours I used so once I get around to paint the full army (which may take another couple of […]

Bad Moon Warband Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Bad Moon Painboy and Runtherd (Games Workshop)

Last two Bad Moon boys for my 1,000 point Rogue Trader Ork army. All that is left is a unit of Cyboar Boys. Oddboyz unite!  

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 11: The Demon’s Tooth

DM: Sean Brand, one of the Paladins of the party, had disappeared again. This was not the first time, but it had been days and his companions was starting to get nervous. As they were sitting around their usual table in The Unnamed Tavern, a Sprite arrived looking for them as he had found Brand […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 10: “SPINOR”

These are my notes as a player as this Chapter was DMed by  first-time Dungeon Master Tony, who did a great job despite having the handicap of having to run the game remotely due to the current pandemic. This was my second game as a player. Our heroes were hanging out in the Unnamed Tavern when […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons

How to add an instant game mechanic to simulate gambling in Dungeons & Dragons

Image credit Devil: “Sign this IOU contract and I will help your fallen comrade!” Paladin (pulls out a deck of cards): “I’ll play you for your help.” Devil (swoops down and sits): “Buahahaha! Deal the cards, mortal!” Dungeon Master (me) thinking: “Oh f*ck! How do I run this???” The above actually happened in a recent Dungeons & […]

Campaign: Daisygate Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Daisygate Chapter 9: A Rescue Mission to Avernus

In our previous game, Our Warlock, Alynanys the half-elf, had suddenly been summoned away by her patron, the Pit Fiend general, Xinphalaxal The Angel Charmer. (Sean, her player, was Dungeon Master in last game). However, Alyanys did not returned as planned so the rest of our heroes went through her stuff and found a letter […]