Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Red Dragon Hatchling (Reaper Miniatures)

I got this cool for Christmas 2018… same year I got the Green Hatchling for birthday. I like the little reaper dragons. They represent their colour perfectly and are easy to paint! Dragons painted to date

Aberrations Dungeons and Dragons Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – Death Tyrant (Jax Miniatures on Shapeways)

i cannot believe I haven’t made a page for this Death Tyrant from Jax Miniatures !! i actually painted it in the beginning of last year (2018) when I first started playing Dungeons & Dragons again after a 20 year break. It was even the inspiration for Bebbie the Beholder Bartender. Anyway, better late than […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fiends

Dungeons & Dragons – Diablo Kit (Dark Art Studios)

I found this mini randomly on CMON while looking for devil miniatures. He reminded me of Darkness from “Legend”. I contacted Dark Art Studios and unfortunately it turned out that it was taken out of production, but since they still had the mold they were kind enough to make me one.

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 7 – Bone Dry Stony Desert / Humid Marshland

Ever since I first saw Runehammer’s video “Craft Game: Hell World!“, I’ve been wanting to try out the technique he describes in this very detailed video. However, my focus last year was first and foremost to create terrain for my games as I’ve stepped into D&D after a 20 year break with no terrain at […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 6: The Soul Exchange

Having started 2019 with a sand box style open game based around information gathering, I wanted the follow up game to be equally open-ended but much more action oriented. The adventure started action heavy with a unit of “Trueborn” (a clan of xenophobic, paranoid and highly informed Dragonborn) who wanted the party to hand over […]

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – DM advice: 5 tips on how to help shy/polite players being heard

I’ve not written advice on DMing before. First of all because there are so many great channels out there. Runehammer, Matt Colville and lately Jim Murphy. However, in Runehammer’s latest Patreoncast “Mainframe 39: More than just talk!” he brought the disconnect between the universally accepted advice that shifting the “spotlight” between players is a good […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fiends

Dungeons & Dragons – B’Hakoth The Destroyer (Heresy Miniatures)

To prepare for the infernal direction our Dungeons & Dragons campaign is taking, I have been painting a few infernal miniatures for the first time. While the Tieflings have been fun to paint, and the Succubus introduced some leathery wings and an even more infernal feel, I still felt I needed some badass major devil […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Summary slides to give players an overview

At the end of 2018 I wrote a summary deck capturing the core highlights of our 2018 games. This has worked a lot better as a tool for players than my diary entries, which I guess is mostly for myself and other DMs looking for inspiration. So I am going to keep this up in […]

Dungeons and Dragons Tiefling

Dungeons & Dragons – Damien, Hellborn Wizard (Reaper Miniatures)

Dungeons & Dragons campaign is turning infernal I’ve been painting my first three ever infernal miniatures. This cool Damien, Hellborn Wizard from Reaper Miniatures is one out of three. The other two being The other two being the Semira Marise and Winged Imogen miniatures from Hasslefree. When I was looking for suitable Tiefling miniatures I found several sassy, sensual and […]

Dungeons and Dragons Tiefling

Dungeons & Dragons – Semira Marise (Hasslefree Miniatures)

As our Dungeons & Dragons campaign is turning infernal, I’ve had a chance to paint some infernal miniatures for the first time in my hobby career. Semira Marise from Hasslefree is perfect as a sensual Tiefling lady and she is one of three first ever infernal miniatures for me, the other two  being the Winged Imogen miniature also […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fiends

Dungeons & Dragons – Winged Imogen (Hasslefree Miniatures)

Although I’ve played both tabletop wargames and tabletop roleplaying games a lot in my life, I’ve never actually ever fielded or painted any devil miniatures. This Winged Imogen miniature from Hasslefree is one I’ve thought was awesome for years, but since I didn’t have a use for it in a game, I never bought it. […]

Dungeons and Dragons Fiends Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Cupboard Mimic (Zealot Miniatures)

Sometimes a mini comes along that is somewhere between insane and awesome. The Cupboard Mimic from Zealot Miniatures definitely falls into this category and I am currently trying to create some D&D stats for this… Well actually I don’t see this as a mimic. It seems way to aggressive and dynamic and I think it […]