I’m actually not sure that these are from Wizards. But they will be handy to beef up weaker enemies that don’t really scare my players anymore… such as goblins.

I’m actually not sure that these are from Wizards. But they will be handy to beef up weaker enemies that don’t really scare my players anymore… such as goblins.
So… it is rare I buy a miniature without purpose, but this ogre chieftain from Reaper Bones is just so badass I had to get him. He is literally a walking tank! I think him and this Orc Warlord would be a good tag team to make our party respect the greenskins again.
I had a container I got with a perfume bottle. I though the container was an interesting size for a small shabby hut and I liked the tall base which was perfect for the floor. I never quite understood the idea of only removing the roof on terrain houses as you still have the walls […]
When I started our D&D campaign last year, I didn’t expect Dragonborn to be a major element of the game, but that was before I found DarkSword Miniatures. Their Dragonkin are fantastic. Here is their latest Dragonkin Warrior with his pal, the Dragonman Warrior from Reaper. Both perfect as Dragonkin for D&D. Dragonborn to date
I was curious to see how the Reaper Bones dragon would stack up to the Wizkids Dragon. I think the Wizkids one has sharper details, but overall I can certainly live with the quality of the Reaper Bones dragon. For that price both gets my thumbs up! Dragons painted to date
I got this cool for Christmas 2018… same year I got the Green Hatchling for birthday. I like the little reaper dragons. They represent their colour perfectly and are easy to paint! Dragons painted to date
i cannot believe I haven’t made a page for this Death Tyrant from Jax Miniatures !! i actually painted it in the beginning of last year (2018) when I first started playing Dungeons & Dragons again after a 20 year break. It was even the inspiration for Bebbie the Beholder Bartender. Anyway, better late than […]
I found this mini randomly on CMON while looking for devil miniatures. He reminded me of Darkness from “Legend”. I contacted Dark Art Studios and unfortunately it turned out that it was taken out of production, but since they still had the mold they were kind enough to make me one.
Ever since I first saw Runehammer’s video “Craft Game: Hell World!“, I’ve been wanting to try out the technique he describes in this very detailed video. However, my focus last year was first and foremost to create terrain for my games as I’ve stepped into D&D after a 20 year break with no terrain at […]
Having started 2019 with a sand box style open game based around information gathering, I wanted the follow up game to be equally open-ended but much more action oriented. The adventure started action heavy with a unit of “Trueborn” (a clan of xenophobic, paranoid and highly informed Dragonborn) who wanted the party to hand over […]
I’ve not written advice on DMing before. First of all because there are so many great channels out there. Runehammer, Matt Colville and lately Jim Murphy. However, in Runehammer’s latest Patreoncast “Mainframe 39: More than just talk!” he brought the disconnect between the universally accepted advice that shifting the “spotlight” between players is a good […]
To prepare for the infernal direction our Dungeons & Dragons campaign is taking, I have been painting a few infernal miniatures for the first time. While the Tieflings have been fun to paint, and the Succubus introduced some leathery wings and an even more infernal feel, I still felt I needed some badass major devil […]