Dungeons and Dragons Fey Horde Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Mad Caps (Privateer Press)

I won’t lie: I’ve been wanting to paint these crazy little dudes since I saw them the first time. But since I no longer play Warmachine, I didn’t have a reason to buy them. However, having picked up Dungeons & Dragons, they seemed like a perfect type of crazy fit into the Feywild which is […]

Beasts Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Crocodiles (Steve Barber Models)

Not much to say. I needed Crocodiles for a Dungeons & Dragons aventure in our current campaign and found these fantastic crocs. I use the smaller crocodiles as a forewarning to the players while they hear loud growls from the bigger ones coming up the drain.

Anthropomorphic races Dungeons and Dragons Horde Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Gatormen Posse (Privateer Press)

Given I made a Dungeons & Dragons adventure that was crocodile themed for our current campaign, I decided that Lizardmen in my world, Heden Rei, would be Gatormen instead. Some minor tweaks to stats but otherwise identical. These Gatormen minis was speed painted as I needed them done fast in time for the adventure.  

Dungeons and Dragons Fey

Dungeons & Dragons – Dryad, Bianca (Greebo Games)

While randomly browsing to find miniatures suitable for the Feywild, I found this elegant “undead” named Bianca at Greebo Games who I think is perfect as a Dryad Queen in my Dungeons & dragons campaign as there seems to be a Feywild current evolving. I painted her rather quickly: Brown, inked with Earthshade, drybrushed and added […]

Aberrations Dungeons and Dragons Horde Monsters Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Swamp Horror (Privateer Press)

I think Privateer Press makes some fantastic miniatures, and some of them, like this Swamp Horror, is great inspiration for a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. My players haven’t faced this one yet in our current campaign… but they will! Base is using “Scenic Water” from Woodland Scenics and “Valhallan Blizzard” from Games Workshop.

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Plants

Dungeons & Dragons – The Shambler (Darksword Miniatures)

I am a big fan of Dark Sword Miniatures. However, this quirky Shambler is not the type of min I ussually expect from them. I think it is great! It is the first miniature in a long time I bought without having a clear purpose in mind, but since there seems to be a Feywild […]

Anthropomorphic races Dungeons and Dragons Horde Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Gatormen Jaga-Jaga, the Death Charmer (Privateer Press)

I use the Gatormen miniatures from Hordes as Lizardmen in our current Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Mostly I use the stats like for like, but for Jaga-Jaga, I made her a beefed up Lizardman Shaman with a bonus attack taken from a snake making her quite leathal in close combat. She proved a serious challenge for […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Scenery bits from Zealot Miniatures, Forge Prints, WizKids and Mantic Games

Doors – Mantic Games Zealot Miniatures – misc Pillars from Forge Prints Rusty Dragon Bar – WizKids All together now

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 3.5: Tower of the Time Wizard

I had one of my player’s and his family over for lunch last Sunday and last minute, he asked whether I fancied running a mini-adventure for him and his young son and daughter. He would be using his main character, Feather, the Cleric, who just hit level 3, and the kids would use the characters […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 2 and 3: See You Later Alligator…man

Table of Contents This post is very long, so here’s a ToC to give you an idea of what’s coming up: Chapter 2 summary with photos Modifications to the adventure and scenery I made between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 Chapter 3 summary with photos A full list of the miniatures used with links to […]

Campaign: War of the Triplets Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 2.5: “Theurumines’ Labyrinth”

We recently had to stop Chapter 2 mid-game as it turned out to be longer than expected and it has been difficult to get the whole party together to continue due to illness and the fact we are heading into the holiday season. We left the party in the middle of a dungeon, but in […]

Constructs Dwarves Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Stone Golems, Dark Dwarves, Dark Guardians (Mom Miniaturas)

One of the amazing side-effects of playing Dungeons & Dragons again is tat I am no longer locked into a specific miniature line in the same way you tend to get with Tabletop Wargames. As I ave ventured into the world of Roleplaying Games, I’ve found so many cool companies creating all these amazing miniatures. […]