The Grist has more clothing than most Brood in a big cloak like thingy. I painted this in vague red/brown stripes to make it standout but still look old and well used.
The shield and the odd organic looking axe is the two main features of Murtros and I painted them like bone so they look like they are made from organic material as all Brood weapons are. Imagine a specially bred type of turtle which would have had a shiled like that on its back.
Alternative poses for slaves
Note these are the original slaves minis which did not have separated arms and weapons. Strike a pose! Looking at the large bunch of spear slaves in front of me I realise there’s only two poses! “Oh no“, I thought, “not another pointing unit“. Some units work with the same pose on all miniatures. For […]
Dragyri Decision I have been wanting to paint a Dragyri force for some time. However as you might have learned from reading other pages on this site, I hate wasting time! I am a do-not-paint-what-you-cannot-see kinda of gamer, so I have held back on the Dragyri untill I figured out which Dragyri caste to choose. […]
Battle Report 30th of August 2003
Kamahru’s Incarnate
Having finally managed to complete Grakkha, painting Kamahru’s Incarnate was significantly easier. But it did take longer than I anticipated as I expected it to be a quick drybrush job and I guess to a certain extend it was. I painted it dark brown and drybrushed it with a lighter leather brown. So far so […]
Grakkha, Warrior of Stone
Kamahru’s Champion and Kamahru’s Incarnate I started painting Grakkha as my first Confrontation miniature. However, his skin is very difficult with all the bumps and lumps so I put him on the backburner and decided to paint the simpler Kolghor instead. That was almost a year ago and the unfinished Grakkha has been staring me […]
I started painting Grakkha as my first Confrontation miniature. However, his skin is very difficult with all the bumps and lumps so I put him on the backburner and decided to paint Kolghor instead. This is the first time in many years I have spent so long on a miniature and I am really happy […]
Cynwäll Asadars
My wife kindly let me use her hobby photo studio. The Asadars are the first elves to be completed following my quick-to-paint plan and it was fast and I am happy with the result. The only thing was I found them too monochrome so I re-painted the swords from being light blueish grey as the […]
Vor the Maelstrom
What is VOR The Maelstrom? Shortly after releasing VOR, FASA went belly up leaving VOR in limbo from which it has never returned. However there is still a strong VOR community gathering at The Warp and the minis can be bought from Iron Wind Metals, including minis never released while the game was official alive. A Description of […]
Lost to Darkness Two Rulebooks, both alike in dignity in the Realm of Chaos… Before I begin I would like to point out that this is no ordinary campaign, this is a campaign for the advanced (and slightly mad) gamer. Last year (2004) I ran a nostalgic Warhammer 40.000 Rouge Trader campaign called The Facility on […]
Rogue Trader
Back to the Grim Darkness of a Far, Far Future… Re-discovering Rogue Trader – A trip back in time. The last couple of months I have had this idea about bringing my old Realm of Chaos books to London and make some warbands and see if I could find anybody who would be interested in […]