Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Monstrosities Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Mimic Invasion Kit (Galladoria Games / Forge Prints)

No, I do not believe there’s such a thing as too many mimics! Looks like Galladoria Games (previously ForgePrints) agree with their Mimic Invasion Kit.

Constructs Dwarves Monsters

Dungeons & Dragons – Stone Golems, Dark Dwarves, Dark Guardians (Mom Miniaturas)

One of the amazing side-effects of playing Dungeons & Dragons again is tat I am no longer locked into a specific miniature line in the same way you tend to get with Tabletop Wargames. As I ave ventured into the world of Roleplaying Games, I’ve found so many cool companies creating all these amazing miniatures. […]