Night Goblins Army Oldhammer Projects Orcs and Goblins Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Warhammer Fantasy Battle – Night Goblins – Netters

I can’t remember the last time I painted an actual full unit for a wargame. It must have been back when I played VOR The Maelstrom early 2000s.

It has been super fun to paint these little gobos. They have so much character. It’s also been full to follow a set paint scheme, but try and make each model unique.

Below are group photos of the finished unit as well as individual photos of each type of figure.

The following four netters are the same model so to make them unique, I added some more yellow to three of them, two with flames on their hats and one with a yellow clob.

The following netter variations I only have three of so those where more or less painted with the default scheme, expect the one with the yellow hat.

The below netters is one of the models I have the most copies of so this one I had to spend some time on what to paint yellow to give some individual character. One even ended up with a full yellow cloak.

The below Clubber model is the other one I have 6 copies of and again I had to figure out how to add yellow for personlisation. The clubs helped.

The below Command team came without a musician but was still fun to paint. I struggled with making the boss look “Night Goblin” as he is in full armour, but painting his shoulder pads yellow helped.

I really enjoyed painting the “bad” moon on the standard.

I only have one copy of each of the Clubbers below, which means they are all painted using just the default paint scheme.

The whole Netter unit teaming up with the local Shaman