Campaign: A Way Home Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – A Way Home – Chapter 7: A Giant Argument

As the Frost Giant swung it’s axe, it went far above the head of the party and they quickly regrouped to mount an attack. Kaari went first sprinting towards the back of the room behind the giant. As she left the others behind, she was hit in the back by an unseen force, but kept […]

Campaign: A Way Home Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – A Way Home – Chapter 6: The Upside Down Tower of Time

DM Notes: This game is using elements from two published dungeons, one being  “Tower of the Time Wizard” by Andrew Harshman, the other being the Upside-down Tower in Descent to Avernus. Having chased the Abominable Yeti away, our heroes took a breather and looked around in the old ruins that made up part of the […]

Campaign: A Way Home Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – A Way Home – Chapter 5: A Deal with a Dragon

Having befriended the Kolbolds and their ruler, the young dragon Desero the Dazzling, the party took a well earned rest in the Sanguine Well oasis. The following day, the party tried to convince Desero to help them in the fast approaching battle with the Drow, but Desero explained that such an act needed to be […]

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Fossilised remains of a Titan

Inspired by Black Magic Craft’s Skull Stones, I found a cheap halloween skeleton in the local supermarket and I got the idea to turn it into the fossilised remains of a long lost race of Titans, who gave the name to “Titan Heights” the central mountain range in our current campaign. I tried to make […]

Drager og Dæmoner Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Orc then and now – Comparing my paint skills now and in 1987

In 1987 I started playing roleplaying games  and my brother and I also started painting miniatures around that time (being 13-14 and 9-10). you can see minis we painted here, but one Orc mini, I decided to paint only half of. The idea was to paint the other half when I got better. I forgot […]

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster – Vignette of Death: White Gigalion

It’s been almost exactly a year and a half since I last painted a Kingdom Death: Monster miniature with all the moving between countries and ofcourse my painting time being used up by painting the miniatures I need to run Dungeons & Dragons. But I finally got around to paint the Vignette of Death: White […]

Dungeons and Dragons Elves

Dungeons & Dragons – Female Dark Elves with Spears (Gamezone Miniatures)

These speedpainted Drow are the second half of these Crossbow wielding ladies I decided to paint their army with metal instead of gold and their outfits more blue / cyan instead of purple. I used contrast paints for the edges, but unfortunately spilled half of it. Not to waste it, I decided to paint all […]

Dungeons and Dragons Plants

Dungeons & Dragons – Myconids, mushroom zombies ( and Northumbrian Tin Soldier)

This is a mixed back of mushroom related creatures all speed painted using a mixed technique of primed bone, contrast paints and some red and white dots for mushrooms. These little fairytale like mushroom people are from Northumbrian Tin Soldier and actually fit perfectly, the Campestris from Light beyond the Witchlight. The rest of the […]

Aberrations Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Spectator and Gazers (Nolzur’s Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures)

I actually painted these little dudes a while back and even fielded them in a game, so I am not sure how I forgot to take photos and upload them, but here they are! They are super fun to play with. Especially the Gazers!

Dungeons and Dragons Dwarves

Dungeons & Dragons – Dwarven Cleric (Maxs Magnificent Miniatures)

As we started our new campaign, the player with the Dwarven Paladin found a pretty rad Dwarf mini. I am still quite sceptical about 3D printed minis, but I have to say this Dwarven Cleric is the best I have seen to date! Was super fun to paint and I feel it has turned into […]

Campaign: A Way Home Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – A Way Home – Chapter 4: Smart Choices

DM notes: I was asking my wife, one of my players, what to call this chapter and she suggested “smart choices” as the party actually managed to go through the whole game with minimal (and only absolutely necessary) combat. I only realised that at the end when she pointed it out. I was totally blown […]

Campaign: A Way Home Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – A Way Home – Chapter 3: Mushroom. People.

DM note, my wife and I often sing “Dancing. People” in the style of the song Purple Hat and since I was painting mushroom people, she started going around singing “Mushroom. People”… hence the title 🙂 Seipora, faced with a moving, but chained, mushroom, started talking to the mushroom, while Kaari and Thorgga looked at […]