When I picked up Dungeons & Dragons (and DMing) again last year after 20 years’ break, there was a surprising amount of great content online. I want to share the things I found most useful for encounter building, roughly in order of how I think they apply to new DMs. Overall I’ve found these two […]
In our latest D&D game, and a year and a half into our current campaign, our Drow Rogue, Lady Alfein died, cut down by the Blue Dragon Electrax’ breath. Next game, however, sees the introduction of a new hero to take up the mantle: Miss Valkaria, a Tiefling Rouge. I do think Tieflings are one […]
I am not sure where I got these from. I’ve had them for a while but found them by chance and decided to give them a speed paint job. i really like these and I can se these becoming very useful.
I picked up D&D in Jan, 2018 (last year at the time of writing this) after a 20 year break and one of the first (if not the first) youtube channel I found with advice was “Running the Game” by Matt Colville – A really great, to the point channel of advice for DMing. Matt often […]
As mentioned in the red batch, I think the Kobolds from Otherworld Miniatures are so full of character and great minis too. Since then, I have field the Kobolds and while our heroes didn’t enjoy the encounter so much (the players did), I had a blast as I decided to mimic the behaviour of the […]
I’ve had the rough outline for this oneshot for some time, but it wasn’t until I saw the encounter “The Minotaur Bridge (pdf)” on Runehammer’s Patreon (that I can highly recommend btw), that the pieces fell in place. The adventure is made for D&D 5th edition for a lvl 2 party of 3-5 players. A quick […]
I was looking for some gold pile terrain pieces when I found this amazing youtube video describing how to make treasure piles and it worked like a charm! No point in me explaining how I made these as i followed the video to the letter except I used a purple wash rather than a black […]
February last year, I introduced D&D to a bunch of people who almost all had no prior experience with the game or very little from when they were in school. Now, a year and a half later, we are still playing the same campaign, but in the last chapter of our campaign, we had the […]
My favourite monster miniature is the Lion Knight as I love that miniature, but miniature and rules combined, I have to say the Flower Knight wins. This is also a fantastic and imaginative miniature. Here fighting a survivor in full hide armour wielding a scrap sword.
I have absolutely no idea what game these orcs belong to (do you? Let me know!). I bought them at Salute in 2018 as I thought they were funny and full of unique character. Semi-happy with the paint job but it will have to do. In the process of painting them, I realised all my […]
I only recently learned about Rage Craft Miniatures , but when I saw the photos of this amazing Witch King I bought it immediately. And the real miniature didn’t disappoint! In fact, I’d say eventhough I am happy with the paintjob on this one, it doesn’t do the miniature justice! Really badass undead dude.Would work […]