This “Dragonman” from Reaper is one of those rare cases where I buy a miniature without a planned purpose. I simply thought it looked great as a Half Dragon. I’m sure he will find his way into our campaign.

This “Dragonman” from Reaper is one of those rare cases where I buy a miniature without a planned purpose. I simply thought it looked great as a Half Dragon. I’m sure he will find his way into our campaign.
It should be no secret that Hasslefree miniatures is one of my favourite miniatures provider. Their minis have such character, with honesty and functionality. And Mother Morrigan is a great example of this: Functional and deadly with character to boot. She did not take long to paint but I am very happy with the result. […]
Last minute, I had an idea of using rogues disguised as villagers as a trap in my last Dungeons and Dragons game. And since I had a bunch of Fenryll Villagers in my bit box, I used a speed painting technique I discovered when painting my Zombicide game. I’m quite happy with the result given […]
I have to be honest, I am a really big fan of Darksword Miniatures, but this Dragonkin Warrior is my least favourite of their Dragonkin minis. But I wanted a full set of their Dragonkin minis which I in general think are awesome. I ordered it. And the day after they revealed a new much […]
Having ended 2018 with the closure of the first story arc of the War of The Triplet, we started 2019 with the party finding out where to go from here in a sandbox style game. The games I ran in 2018 were, not railroads, but they were linear to keep a single focus. But starting […]
Getting back into Dungeons & Dragons this year has truly revived my painting hobby and looking back at 2018, I have painted more minis this year than the previous decade! Without any further ado, here are all of them in a single post! Enjoy! also check out my other two mega posts: Dungeons & Dragons MEGA […]
And finally, following on from Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 terrain boards and scatter! and Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures! I want to create a list of the games we played this year, roughly 1 per month, which was an amazing feat given the hardest part of being a […]
i was doing a spin-off chapter to our Dungeons and Dragons campaign and I wanted to use some goblin pirates I have, but at lvl 3-4 goblins aren’t that scary to the party, so I decided to add a bit of oomph using an old Rackham Buccanner and a new Freebooter Mini I got called […]
I never really got a chance to really get into Confrontation, but I still have a few minis from that time including this badass Captain Krill miniature. He was a natural first choice as the leader of the Goblin Pirates in a game I made for our Dungeons & Dragons campaign,
I was part of “the wave” when IK Warmachine first hit and was a diehard Cryx player for a long time before I felt the game got too big. But I keep up with what the produce so when I needed an undead captain for a Dungeons & Dragons game, it was an easy choice to […]
This is a uncommon example of me buying a mini with no specific purpose in mind, but when I saw this Long John miniature at Salute, a treasure island sort of idea shaped in my head for Dungeons and Dragons. In the end he became part of Elaine Marley‘s gang alongside Jonny the Pirate in the […]
While I don’t play Privateer Press games anymore, I still love their minis and some of them have that quirky personality and character I loved about Warhammer 40.000 Rogue Trader Orks and this fantastic Trollkin sailor is a great example of this. Pipe and dynamite strapped to his harpoon… what more do you need? However, […]