Following on from my Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures! and Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – The games we played in 2018! I wanted to capture all the terrain and scenery I either bought and painted or built and painted. My experience with building scenery has mainly been limited to tabletop wargames so by […]
And finally, following on from Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 terrain boards and scatter! and Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures! I want to create a list of the games we played this year, roughly 1 per month, which was an amazing feat given the hardest part of being a […]
In our 2018 campaign, we’ve been running around in a lot of Dungeons, but not encountered any Dragons (well… apart from our Rogue running into a Dragon Whelp). The closest has been an encounter with a Wyvern that brought down an airship, marooning the party on an island. However, I am hoping to change that […]
When I was planning my D&D Christmas oneshot for 2018, I was roaming the internet to find Christmas themed miniatures and found this crazy Ogre Santa from Scibor Miniatures. It arrived two days before the game, but with Dragonmeet 2018 in between, I had little time to paint it, so I ended up speed painting […]
The last campaign session we played, neatly wrapped up 2018 as a season, so for the last D&D game of the year, I made this Christmas Oneshot called “Gnome More Mr Nice Guy1” inspired by these these absolutely fantastic Gnomes from Northumbrian Tin Soldier. Below is how the game went, but if you are a Dungeon Master […]
Sometimes I throw away the packaging of miniatures a bit too fast… leaving me later to wonder who the hell the manufacturer is! That is the case of the two larger fairies below. I bought them at Salute 2018 – fortunately, a tweet from Salute 2019 pointed me to the manufacturer being Firestorm Games for […]
My players don’t like mimics. I do! And honestly, how can you not love this crazy-ass Gazebo Mimic. Amazing! One thing that bugged me about this miniature was there was no thought given to how the panel with the Mimic face could be removed and reattached. It feels like the sculpture assumes that the owner […]
I was looking for some magical henchmen for the crazed Santa in my Christmas 2018 D&D oneshot… and… I… found… these!! Could these Snow Goons from Reaper Miniatures be anymore perfect?
So… the story for my Christmas 2018 D&D oneshot has been building up in my mind since I bought these absolutely fantastic Gnomes from Northumbrian Tin Soldier at Salute in April! To give a bit of background, in Denmark, where I grew up, Santa lives on Greenland, not the North Pole. And he doesn’t have […]
Normally I turn to Darksword Miniatures when I need really cool fantasy miniatures like these this Dragonkin or this Elven Ranger but they also make other, more quirky miniatures and this Easter Bunny was perfect for my Christmas 2018 D&D Oneshot (spoiler alert).
I’ve been buying quite a few Mousling miniatures as I think they are super fun. But I haven’t had a reason to put them into our current D&D campaign War of the Triplets , which meant I haven’t had a real reason to paint them. However, for my Christmas 2018 oneshot, I wanted to give my […]
I guess the easiest and most common way to use tea lights as terrain scatter, is to wrap or paint them as is so you essentially get tea light shaped objects such as the lights in use for my Posh Ball Terrain Board set. But I wanted to try something else that would hide the […]