December 2019 and we have just finished our 2-year long campaign.
Been something like 18 fun games and look forward to new games in 2020. Next year I plan a West Marches style campaign, less epic Hollywood movie trilogy and more nitty gritty local tv series.
Here are the games we played in 2019.
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 10.6: Scout mission
Dungeons & Dragons – OneShot: “Shakedown in Winterbloom” (2 for the price of 1)
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 10: Escape from the Dragon’s Lair
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 9: Enter the Desert
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 8: The Masquerade
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 7: The Hunt for the Giant
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 6: The Soul Exchange
Dungeons & Dragons – Summary slides to give players an overview
Dungeons & Dragons – War of the Triplets, Chapter 5: Roads to… ?