Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 3: Sunflower Grange

Confused, but safe, the Hellbenders went to bed safely in the guest room at the Stonemaker family. The next morning, they were awaken by Krautious, the old man servant. After he told them breakfast was served, he lingered and in the end quickly whispered: “You should not be here. Leave!” and scurried down the stairs […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 2: Finding the Way

The Hellbenders decided to leave early noon making the most of the sun. Our heroes were heading down South through the Lush Lands hoping to find the ruins of Castle Rostak and hopefully some clues as to how to defeat the growing undead army. It was a long shot as the Rostaks up until a […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 1: Return to Dragonskeep

While our heroes had only been in Hell for a short period of time, two years had passed in the mortal realm. They returned to Dragonskeep to find the lands and the castle battleworn, ruined from two years of continuous assaults. But to their relief they found Dragonskeep still standing and to add to the […]