Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat Thudd Gun (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. I’ve always loved the Thudd Gun miniature. Now that I have read the rules it doesn’t seem that effective but I don’t care. It was super fun […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat Battle Standard Bearer (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. This guy I really love. Everything about him. Here he is with the Ancestor Lord and the Guild Master The whole 1,000 points Squat army  

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat Guild Master (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. I think this Squat looks particularly badass so he became my Guild Master. Here he is with the Ancestor Lord and the Battle Standard The whole 1,000 […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat Ancestor Lord (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. This Squat I believe was named “Nev” and he looked particularly odd compared to the others. I don’t know what he was meant to be originally, but […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat “Golden” Thunderers (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. I tried to make each unit easily identifiable on the battlefield as I want to use them in Warhammer 2nd edition battles and I decided each unit […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat “Veteran” Attackers (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. I tried to make each unit easily identifiable on the battlefield as I want to use them in Warhammer 2nd edition battles. However, since the Attack Squat […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat “Red Stripe” Warriors (Games Workshop)

Finished my first 1,000 points of Squat army. I got these fantastic chaps from my wife for my 50th birthday and 6 months later they are all finished. I tried to make each unit easily identifiable on the battlefield as I want to use them in Warhammer 2nd edition battles. This Warrior Squad I have […]

Oldhammer Projects Rouge Trader Squats Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40.000 – Rogue Trader – Squat Warlord and Hearthguard in Exo Armour (Games Workshop)

When I turned 50, my wife gave me a bunch of Squats for my birthday! What a gift! I’ve always wanted to field an army of these little chaps, but back in the days somebody else already had an army of them and to be honest, the Orks drew my attention more. But these Squats, […]