Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 15: All good things must come to an end

DM notes: In August 2021 we started the Adventures of the Hellbenders and yesterday, 27th March 2025 we have reached the end of their journeys at level 16.  Together we told a 45 chapter long story spread over 5 distinct, but connect campaigns. This is the summary of the final chapter of the Hellbenders. Our […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 13: The Clock and The Bell

As the Hellbenders left The Grand Library, they stepped out into The Arrival, the main courtyard of Castle Rostak. It was clear that King Thaddeus Rostak, The Iron Lich, had successfully summoned all his forces to the castle as the courtyard was packed with undead new(-ish), old and ancient. A group of undead builders were crowded around a […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 12: The Shootout at the Unlucky Horseshoe

The surprise of seeing the two gunslinging wraiths, Billy the Wight and Calamabanshee Jane playing poker,  was short-lived. The wraiths, casually playing poker as the heroes entered, suddenly got up from their poker game and bolted in different directions pulling their pistols from the holsters. The shootout at the Unlucky Horseshoe was on! DM note, […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

Dungeons & Dragons – DM Tip: How to make a shoot-out encounter

A shoot-out can be a novel and fun way to make a combat encounter with a twist While D&D traditionally is more on the mideaveal side, you can still have a shoot-out with bows, throwing axes and spells… Or introduce some guns. The trick is to prevent melee without aggravating your players. Here’s how I […]

Campaign: Blight of the Iron Lich Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Blight of the Iron Lich – Chapter 11: Visiting the local grocers

After a surprisingly peaceful night at The Welcome, our heroes sat down at the lovely breakfast, Adolfuns, the animated—or possessed—cauldron that was the owner of the tavern, had prepared for them. Here the party shaped a plan for hiding two of them in Kaari’s Portable Hole for Pestilence to Teleport through the main gate and […]

Chronicles of Double Trouble Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Double Trouble oneshot – The Fey Storm, a Christmas Tale

Setting the scene It is closing in on Christmas in the City of Equilibrium. Having saved the party goers of the city, our heroes Double Trouble had been deputised as Investigators of the Balance. While they technically reported into the Grand Examiner Felix Marlowe, the role did not carry any official duties other than they […]

Chronicles of Double Trouble Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – People and places in Equilibrium

The City of Equilibrium Click for larger image The City of Equilibrium is a large trading city located near the Crimson Stream, a river capable of carrying many ships to and from the city. Equilibrium is the home of the University of Necromantic Studies and the Temple of Vigilance and is ruled by the neutral and just Baron of Balance (simply know as “The Balance“). […]

Dungeons and Dragons Giants

Dungeons & Dragons – Cavern Troll (Pathfinder Deep Cuts)

My wife bought me this badass troll for Christmas a while back and i finally got around to paint him. It was a speed paint job: Spray grey, drybrush with bone and ink Agrax Earthshade. Paint all crystals white. Several layers. Cover crystals in purple shade holding the mini upside down to help the darker […]

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Here be Dragons! (2024 dragon horde status)

As I finish what is possibly the last dragon miniature for 2024, I realise it is also the first Metallic Dragon I have ever painted and I decided to capture what it is up against in terms of the adversarial chromatic dragon. Note I don’t have a Black Dragon in the collection. It is probably […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans Undead

Dungeons & Dragons – The Penitent Bulwark lead by the Knight of the Bell TAKE 2 (Bestiarum Games)

I’ve already painted these menacing warriors once, but I need them for our current D&D campaign and need them with a darker, more ancient undead look as I want to use the Knight of the Bell miniature as a Death Knight guardian.  

Dragons Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons – Gold Dragon (Games Workshop Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves Black Dragon)

All my dragon miniatures for Dungeons & Dragons are chromatic dragons and this is no surprise as I only really use miniatures during combat encounters. metallic dragons are good natured so it is highly unlikely the party would ever pick a fight with one and having it as a helpful NPC would be too much. […]

Dungeons and Dragons Horde Humans Warmachine

Dungeons & Dragons – Druid (Privateer Press – Hordes Circle Orboros Stone Keeper)

I’ve had this mini laying around for a long time and glad I finally got him painted. This is a speed paint job, but I like how the colour combo turned out.