Cryx Warmachine


Deathrippers The Death Rippers that follows the paint scheme I decided to go for: Drybrush, drybrush and drybrush. Only “real” painting has gone into the bonebits. The Slayers have simular bars on the lower back to those ribs of the Bonejacks. So I decided not to paint them as metal bars but rather as ribs to […]

Cryx Warmachine

Warwitch Deneghra

  Deneghra is very much painted in the same manner as the Warjacks because I don’t think Cryx is the realm where you polish your armour a lot. However the armour is only a small part of the mini. The bigger part is the insanely flapping cloak which I painted in a white color with […]

Cryx Warmachine


Drybrush, Drybrush and some more Drybrush. One of them have had the arms re-positioned into an all-out attack pose to make them look different. Can I just say for the record that yes, the Slayers are not much stronger or durable than the other factions light jacks, but so far I have yet to play […]

Cryx Warmachine

Deathripper prototype

After coming to a satisfactory result on my first attempt at non-metalic-metal I decided to use it on my Cryx minis. Unfortunately after spending hours on painting my prototype (right) I came to the conclusion that it looked too much like a toy and decided to go for another paintscheme which you can see on all other minis in […]