Cryx Warmachine


Larger photo Couple of conversions. Can’t have pirates without Jolly Roger. I wanted my pirates to look a bit mouldy, so I kept to brown and green colours. However I also wante them to tie together as a unit so I paint skarfs red wherever possible. Skin was standard Mechanithrall skin which is bone and black. The […]

Cryx Warmachine


   I repositioned the arms to a more attack-minded pose, but other than that the Seether is box standard. This conversion is inspired by a quick conversion I did on one of my Slayers to make it different from the other Slayer. The Seether is basically painted as the Slayers; Drybrush drybrush and drybrush. The only difference is […]

Cryx Warmachine

Pistol Wraiths

  I wanted my Pistol Wraiths to look individual because I imagine them as very individual entities roaming pretty much on their own only reluctantly accepting commands. However I did not plan to paint the second one almost completely incorporeal. It did seem to be the fitting thing to do to paint each in one of the […]

Cryx Warmachine

Machine Wraith

Originally tha Machine Wraith seemed like a powerful addition to the Cryx army, because it could take over warjack and even if it was booted out by the enemy warcaster the warjack would still be inert for a round. However that changed with the arrival of the full escalation rules for the Machine Wraith so […]

Cryx Warmachine


Not much to say here. The Mechanthralls are painted simular to the Scrap Thralls except their metal bits are not coloured since they are not build out of enemy warjacks but in the depth of the Dragon Lord’s caves.

Cryx Warmachine

Goreshade and Deathwalker

Goreshade the Bastard I decided to make Goreshade stand out from the rest of my Cryx by painting him in a white armour with a worn metal look because being Elvenkin he would still have retained some of his arrongance and pride and would therefore be an undead with style. I am very happy with […]

Cryx Warmachine


The Skarlock has a blue skin colour than the other Thralls because it is more magical. Since my Cryx is a paint for play army I didn’t want to spend to much time on it. However, I did want magical signs on his body and the cloth hainging from his hands so I painted geometrical […]

Cryx Warmachine

Necrotechs and Scrap Thralls

Necrotechs All my Necrotechs have some degree of customisation in order to make them look individual. One has had his right arm replaced with a Ork Runtherd arm and his left arm replaced with an arm from a Scrap Thrall. The other two have had some small conversions made using bits mostly from a Neo […]

Cryx Warmachine


Deathrippers The Death Rippers that follows the paint scheme I decided to go for: Drybrush, drybrush and drybrush. Only “real” painting has gone into the bonebits. The Slayers have simular bars on the lower back to those ribs of the Bonejacks. So I decided not to paint them as metal bars but rather as ribs to […]

Cryx Warmachine

Warwitch Deneghra

  Deneghra is very much painted in the same manner as the Warjacks because I don’t think Cryx is the realm where you polish your armour a lot. However the armour is only a small part of the mini. The bigger part is the insanely flapping cloak which I painted in a white color with […]

Cryx Warmachine


Drybrush, Drybrush and some more Drybrush. One of them have had the arms re-positioned into an all-out attack pose to make them look different. Can I just say for the record that yes, the Slayers are not much stronger or durable than the other factions light jacks, but so far I have yet to play […]

Cryx Warmachine

Deathripper prototype

After coming to a satisfactory result on my first attempt at non-metalic-metal I decided to use it on my Cryx minis. Unfortunately after spending hours on painting my prototype (right) I came to the conclusion that it looked too much like a toy and decided to go for another paintscheme which you can see on all other minis in […]