Yes, Niblet normally travels with Grom the Paunch, and I do have the Grom chariot to paint in the future. But for the purpose of my Night Goblin army, Niblet is appointed as the Battle Standard Bearer. Details All banners to far Here he is with the two unit Standard Bearers I have painted so […]
Category: Warhammer Fantasy Battle
I made a couple of grass displays for my two Oldhammer projects: my Night Goblins and my Bad Moon Warband. Basically each is made of a cardboard base, a block of spare foam core and wrapped in a grass sheet. I used hot glue on the styrofoam and regular PVA on the cardboard.
My wife bought me this Khorne Bloodthirster for Christmas back in 2021 but it was only at the end of 2022 I finally started gluing it together and now I’ve finally finished it! Which is a good thing as I am guessing our next D&D campaign will take our heroes back to Phlegethos on a […]
Finished the Squig Hoppers for my Night Goblin retro project. I think I like Cave Squigs better, but these are still fun. The Night Goblin army as it stands today.
These were super fun to paint! I very quickly decided for a yellow theme to match the rest of the Night Goblins army, but wanted a few natural quirks like a few reds and a few very pale squigs. But I struggled with how to set them up as a unit. In the end I […]
I can’t remember the last time I painted an actual full unit for a wargame. It must have been back when I played VOR The Maelstrom early 2000s. It has been super fun to paint these little gobos. They have so much character. It’s also been full to follow a set paint scheme, but try […]
I painted this army back in 1995 – 1999 while studying visual communication and graphic design. I never really got around to photograph them, but now I am selling them for charity on ebay, I thought I’d capture them in all their battle worn glory: The army complete As you can see this army is […]
While I had already picked up a few Ork miniatures during late 1980s, it wasn’t until I started in High School in 1990 that I start playing first Warhammer 40.000 Rogue Trader, then Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I don’t have a lot of photos from then, but here are some later photos of my Warhammer Fantasy […]