All my dragon miniatures for Dungeons & Dragons are chromatic dragons and this is no surprise as I only really use miniatures during combat encounters.
metallic dragons are good natured so it is highly unlikely the party would ever pick a fight with one and having it as a helpful NPC would be too much.
But by chance I was able to get an amazing Dark Elf Black Dragon from Warhammer Fantasy. it was cheap as Malakith, the dark elf rider it normally comes with, was missing.
Since I actually didn’t need an extra dragon, I decided to paint my first ever metallic dragon.
I sprayed it Retributor Armour gold and gave it a wash with Schminke black acrylic ink, a trick I had learned from a friend while painting my WH40K 2nd edition Khorne army.
I really like the result and the gold dragon really stands out amongst my chromatic dragons.