Dungeons and Dragons Terrain and Scenery

Dungeons & Dragons – Gaming board set 11 – The Underdark terrain set made from cork table protectors

Inspired by this cool terrain tutorial I decided to make a small Underdark terrain set out of cork table protectors, glue and paint.

This was fun, fast, easy and different to make. Normally I would never use these colour combos but frankly, crafting this terrain made me reminisce of the days when I was digging deep in Blackreach in my alltime favourite Playstation game: Skyrim.

Step 1: Break cork into chunks and glue together

Step 2: Paint Purple, then give a heavy black brush with downwards motion



Step 3: highlight edges with a neon green and dap glitter glue here and there



26 July 2021 update

As we settle into our new home in Denmark, I am starting to make bigger scenery sets again, but I really like the look of this underdark set and I haven’t had a chance to use it, so I have updated it with a bigger board.