Not much to say here except, this might not be safe for work lol. Joking aside, Hasslefree minis are just great and so are these seductive types. Already field them in a game and they were fun to use.

Not much to say here except, this might not be safe for work lol. Joking aside, Hasslefree minis are just great and so are these seductive types. Already field them in a game and they were fun to use.
I found this mini randomly on CMON while looking for devil miniatures. He reminded me of Darkness from “Legend”. I contacted Dark Art Studios and unfortunately it turned out that it was taken out of production, but since they still had the mold they were kind enough to make me one.
To prepare for the infernal direction our Dungeons & Dragons campaign is taking, I have been painting a few infernal miniatures for the first time. While the Tieflings have been fun to paint, and the Succubus introduced some leathery wings and an even more infernal feel, I still felt I needed some badass major devil […]
Although I’ve played both tabletop wargames and tabletop roleplaying games a lot in my life, I’ve never actually ever fielded or painted any devil miniatures. This Winged Imogen miniature from Hasslefree is one I’ve thought was awesome for years, but since I didn’t have a use for it in a game, I never bought it. […]
Sometimes a mini comes along that is somewhere between insane and awesome. The Cupboard Mimic from Zealot Miniatures definitely falls into this category and I am currently trying to create some D&D stats for this… Well actually I don’t see this as a mimic. It seems way to aggressive and dynamic and I think it […]
While shopping the Hasslefree site, I found these village and halloween kids. Wasn’t sure what to use them for originally, but now the Devil Boy is part of a magic item I made up called “White Bag of Tricks” alongside the Angel and the Angel Babies… and I think the Village Kids themselves will feature […]