Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

6 tips for DMing for busy adults. (thoughts before I take a short rest from Dungeons & Dragons)

I had been playing roleplaying games since mid 80s, but stopped when I moved from Denmark to London in August 1999. However, in Feb 2018, I started the campaign War of the Triplets with 5 adults who barely knew each other or Dungeons & Dragons. In a few months I will move back to Denmark […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons

How to add an instant game mechanic to simulate gambling in Dungeons & Dragons

Image credit Devil: “Sign this IOU contract and I will help your fallen comrade!” Paladin (pulls out a deck of cards): “I’ll play you for your help.” Devil (swoops down and sits): “Buahahaha! Deal the cards, mortal!” Dungeon Master (me) thinking: “Oh f*ck! How do I run this???” The above actually happened in a recent Dungeons & […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

New Dungeon Master? Start with these Youtube videos

I picked up Dungeon Mastering in 2018 after a 20 year break and the amount of quality helpful videos on Youtube really took me by surprise. Fast forward to 2020 I regularly get asked what videos I recommend new Dungeon Masters should watch, so I went ahead and created a YouTube list of videos in the […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

Running remote Dungeons & Dragons games with terrain and/or miniatures

As we are facing a global pandemic, I find myself in self-isolation due to the government enforced lockdown. Not only does the lockdown mean we can no longer get together to play our monthly D&D game, which is a shame as the lockdown also means we have more time on our hands to play D&D. […]

Dungeon Master Tips Dungeons and Dragons Stuff for Dungeon Masters

Dungeons & Dragons – How to use workshop techniques to structure your campaign

I’ve been listening to Mainframe 53 – Binary Agency on the Runehammer Patreon, which I highly recommend you join if you are a Dungeon Master. I agree with Hankerin’s philosophy of only preparing one game session at a time to allow for the players action to influence how the story progresses, but his admission that […]