Campaign: The Troll Hunt

Dungeons & Dragons – The Troll Hunt: Map of Mountainhold

About Mountainhold Click here for high-res map (4meg) Mountainhold is the highest peak to the west of the Titan Heights Mountain range in Obanastre and the most populated mountain in the range as well. The mountain is a collective of various sized Dwarven settlements that together operates as an actual fortress. This unusual configuration makes […]

Campaign: A Date with the Devil

Dungeons & Dragons – A Date with the Devil – Chapter 8: Epilogue

DM Notes: This is the end of our current campaign, but it is actually game number 17 with the same heroes as I like running shorter campaigns. My wife is currently in Italy so all my players were remote for this game so I decided to make a Theatre-Of-The-Mind style game with more skills challenges […]

Campaign: A Date with the Devil

Dungeons & Dragons – A Date with the Devil – Chapter 7: Broken Hearts in Heaven

DM note: So… the goal for the party last game was to open a portal to Mount Celestia from Phlegethos to allow the Fallen Angel Azrael to bring through her partner from her angelic days: The Angel Arcon. They did, but being in the middle of a hairy battle with two dragons and endless Kobold […]


Dungeons & Dragons – Kirin (Darksword Miniatures)

I know Kirin in Dungeons & Dragons are large creatures, but these smaller Kirin from Darksword Miniatures are simply amazing minis. Their regal and calm pose is just lovely.


Dunegons & Dragons – Thief of Hearts (Darksword Miniatures)

If you are a regular here, it should come as no surprise that I love Darksword Miniatures! Absolutely one of my favourite mini manufacturers. However, I must say this Thief of Hearts is not my favourite. It was very hard to put together and the details are not as great as on this other Angel […]


Dungeons & Dragons – Cyclops (Meeplevault 3D printing)

This Cyclops was a Christmas present from my wife alongside this Ettin from the same company. But I only just got a chance to finish it in time for a game with my niece and nephew. I think the Ettin was more fun to paint and the result was better, but I am still happy […]


Dungeons & Dragons – Valkia the Bloody (Games Workshop)

I’m using this Games Workshop Chaos champion as a Erinyes, a fallen angel type devil. I am mimicking the skintone I am using for my Planatar Angels to hint at her celestial heritage. Erinyes with a Planatar Angel.


Dungeons & Dragons – Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Games Workshop)

When you look at the Chaos miniatures from Games Workshop, I think some of the Chaos directions lean more to Devils and some more to Demons in Dungeons & Dragons terms. Khorne for example leans towards Devils, while Nurgle leans towards Demons. This mini here is for Tzeentch and I think with the horns it […]

Dungeon Master Tips Stuff for Dungeon Masters

Dungeons & Dragons – How to set up a dragon encounter

Inspired by a youtube video I recently saw on dragon encounters I made one for our current campaign and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Here’s how to run it. Note, this encounter is designed to be tough! When I ran, it one of the heroes almost died. Threat, treat and timer […]

Campaign: A Date with the Devil

Dungeons & Dragons – A Date with the Devil – Chapter 6: Gateway to Heaven

DM notes, I wanted to dial up the danger level of our game to challenge the players so I planned a game of epic encounters with new unfamiliar challenges, one being an invisible foe, the other a flying foe.  Really happy with the result, although we cut it a bit close with one hero failing […]

Bebbie's Bar

Dungeons & Dragons – Bebbie’s Bar – Chapter 2: What A Shit Show

Bebbie had landed “Here Today.Gone Tomorrow”, the interplanar tavern in the middle of a celebration. It was a celebration of the end of a war and a tavern full of drinks and coziness was just what the war-tired people needed. The tavern was packed and the Staff was running around serving the happy patrons and […]

Campaign: A Date with the Devil

Dungeons & Dragons – A Date with the Devil – Chapter 5: Clubbing at the Pleasure Dome

Having failed (on purpose) to bring the Unicorn to the the devil merchant, Bosnek, the party now had to decide what to do next. Staying at The Red Curtain Fall, seemed expensive and it was still only afternoon, so they decided to go and get what they came for: Sepora’s 19% soul that she accidentally […]