Second unit from my Oldhammer Space Wolves loot. Same paint style as the Long Fangs. Not much else to say.

Second unit from my Oldhammer Space Wolves loot. Same paint style as the Long Fangs. Not much else to say.
I had the surprise luck of finding a whole pile of Space Wolves from 2nd Edition Warhammer 40.000 recently and I’ve always wanted to paint an army of those chaps. Now I finally get a chance and they can be the opponents of my Oldhammer Bad Moon Space Orks. I’ve primed them with Dark Grey […]
Sometimes you come across something unique and that was the case with these three boxes somebody locally was selling. He never played Warhammer 40.000 so the boxes and the miniatures and all the bits they came with were left untouched. I will paint these in lighter grey sort of making the winter versions, Winter Wolves […]
I’ve been painting my Rogue Trader Bad Moon army for a while now. But I had a chance to show a friend Warhammer 40.000 so I made two small 650 points warbands from the orks I have. One a more shooty all Bad Moon warband with weirdboys and better equipment like ‘eavy armour. The other […]
Yes, Niblet normally travels with Grom the Paunch, and I do have the Grom chariot to paint in the future. But for the purpose of my Night Goblin army, Niblet is appointed as the Battle Standard Bearer. Details All banners to far Here he is with the two unit Standard Bearers I have painted so […]
I made a couple of grass displays for my two Oldhammer projects: my Night Goblins and my Bad Moon Warband. Basically each is made of a cardboard base, a block of spare foam core and wrapped in a grass sheet. I used hot glue on the styrofoam and regular PVA on the cardboard.
Chris Snyder posted a painting challenge on the Crown Command Facebook group: “MAY MULTI—PAINTER MONO-MODEL -Looks like for starters, the 2nd edition 40k starter is the place to start. That’s the plastic Ork and/or basic Space Marine.” Here are the fantastic entries in no particular order. Cameron Fletcher Love the banner. Montague Withnail Nice dark […]
To participate in a painting challenge, I bought some Goff Orks from the WH40K 2nd edition starter set. And in the lot came this awesome Ghazghkull that I never bought back in the days mainly because I was against the introdution of named characters to the game. During the previous edition I used to name […]
I painted these as a response to a paint challenge on the Crown Command facebook group. The challenge was to paint a start sprue Ork and/or Space Marine from the Warhammer 40.000 2nd edition starter box. I chose to approach this as I would have back when, which is to say I always painted a […]
Finished the Squig Hoppers for my Night Goblin retro project. I think I like Cave Squigs better, but these are still fun. The Night Goblin army as it stands today.
2022 is ending and it looks like this Giant from Marauder Miniatures (from 1990) will be my last miniature of the year. And what a miniature! I used to sell my warhammer armies once I had painted them and frankly I never regretted selling any of them… but I did regret selling my original Marauder […]
These were super fun to paint! I very quickly decided for a yellow theme to match the rest of the Night Goblins army, but wanted a few natural quirks like a few reds and a few very pale squigs. But I struggled with how to set them up as a unit. In the end I […]