This is an example of a freakishly fast built piece of scenery. Drying time aside, I probably spent 20 minutes building and painting it and it works!

This is an example of a freakishly fast built piece of scenery. Drying time aside, I probably spent 20 minutes building and painting it and it works!
Following on from my Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – My 2018 painted miniatures! and Dungeons & Dragons MEGA POST – The games we played in 2018! I wanted to capture all the terrain and scenery I either bought and painted or built and painted. My experience with building scenery has mainly been limited to tabletop wargames so by […]
Photo credits to all my players. Ellie, Julia, Neil and Sean. Back in February this year (2018) I started playing Dungeons & Dragons again for the first time in 20 years with bunch of people, where all but 1 hadn’t played RPGs before… or dabbled a little bit in school back in the 80s. The […]
Following my River gaming board, I returned to a more traditional gaming board: My lava set. However, while this board is similar in shape to my Woodland and my Ice and Snow gaming boards, this board is intended to provide a surface of lava the adventurers really do not want to touch. Hence all the […]