Beasts Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Momma Fiara riding Armoured Bear (Freebooter Miniatures and Atlantis Miniatures)

I had actually planned for a Goblin King from Avatars of War to be the rider of this bear. However, it has taken an annoyingly long time for that mini to arrive (still hasn’t arrived), so in order to get ready for our first game in our new campaign Daisygate, I used a pretty cool […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Nartz, Goblin Pirat Assassin (Freebooters Miniatures)

Last but not least, a sneaky Goblin Assassin! Don’t know what to use him for yet, but I bet he will be one nasty git!


Dungeons & Dragons – Queen of Shadows (Freebooter Miniatures)

  Fantastic and majestic miniature! Leaned on my wife to suggest colours for her. Normally when I paint minis are glue them all together first… to avoid wasting time painting bits that cannot be seen… however, this was a case where I wish I hadn’t glued her skirt on before painting her legs.. or stockings […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Colpo di Mano (Freebooter Miniatures)

Of all the cool Freebooter minis I have, this is probably my least fav to be honest. I think the mask is weird. Happy with the paint job though. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most ancient, secretive and powerful crime organisation in Heden Rei, the world our campaign “The War of the Triplets” […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Imperial Fool Jester (Freebooter Miniatures)

The other Freebooter minis I am using for the crime organisation The Masquerade follows a similar style, but this Jester is different. I like the idea that even in a crime organisation, he stands out as extra crazy. I imagine him a bit like Cicero from Skyrim. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Master Harlequina (Freebooter Miniatures)

While she forms part of the ancient crime organisation, The Masquerade in our D&D campaign, I wanted the Master Harlequina to feel more exotic than the rest and as such I decided to give her dark, brown skin to make her stand out from the crowd. This is one of the very few cases where […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Dottore (Freebooter Miniatures)

To be honest, I struggled to paint this one and not really that happy with the result except for the cape… but he will be good enough for gaming. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most ancient, secretive and powerful crime organisation in Heden Rei, the world our campaign “The War of the Triplets” […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Spada (Freebooter Miniatures)

Freebooter Fate has a lot of lovely miniatures, but I especially like the italian inspired Brotherhood, who has formed the base for the ancient underworld society The Masquerade in our D&D campaign. The Masquerade complete The Masquerade is the most ancient, secretive and powerful crime organisation in Heden Rei, the world our campaign “The War […]

Dungeons and Dragons Humans

Dungeons & Dragons – Coscritti & Harlequin (Freebooter Miniatures)

I’ve been wanting for a while to add in an unknown or strange type adversary into our Dungeons and Dragons campaign War of the Triplets. When we started a year ago, my players were for most part new to roleplaying games or they may have played a bit 25-30 years ago in school. So to […]

Dungeons and Dragons Orcs and Goblins

Dungeons & Dragons – Goblin Pirate Captain Ulgat (Freebooter Miniatures) and Goblin Buccaneer (Rackham)

i was doing a spin-off chapter to our Dungeons and Dragons campaign and I wanted to use some goblin pirates I have, but at lvl 3-4 goblins aren’t that scary to the party, so I decided to add a bit of oomph using an old Rackham Buccanner and a new Freebooter Mini I got called […]